Chapter 10

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Harry pov

The rest of the day since potions has been rather boring. Death already taught me how to do the things they are teaching. I can tell that everyone but the new magical feel the same. They should make a class to cover these things for children who came from no mag households so we don't have to sit through it.

I balance my pencil on my nose and secretly hope that shield calls me about a mission. I look at the clock and see that I still have half of a class until dinner so I pull out my inventions notebook. I fill in more of the notebook with ideas. Soon enough we are finally free to go to dinner.

It is Christmas break and I am currently heading home on the train. I haven't gotten a single message from dad since pepper sent me the letter at the beginning of the school year. I have gotten closer to sev and he is definitely less dominant than he makes himself out to be.

All I have done this school year is the boring school work. We haven't had any missions or any lord meetings so I am sufficiently bored.

I can't wait to get home and see dad. I plan on interrogating him about why he hasn't contacted me. When I get off the train I immediately run over to where death is and he takes me home.

I get in the house and lightly growl when I smell. I tumble into the room my emotions getting the best of me. Nat would be disappointed. When I enter I see dad is covered in injuries. I run in and start to look him over.

"What happened? Have you gone to the doctor and gotten checked out? Why is your chest glowing?" I rapid fire questions.

"Calm down har. I'm fine, I have gone to the doctor. I got caught while doing my demonstration and a man saved my life by putting something like this in my chest. The glowing thing is an arc reactor." I nod slowly but continue to check him over. When he finally passed my test I give him a big hug.

"I was so worried about you."

"I'm sorry buddy."

"It's not like you could help it."

"So how is school going?"

"It has been so boring. I already know everything from death. A troll got in the school on Halloween but that was dealt with easily. Also one of the teachers was the dude who killed my parents but he disappeared."

He rolls his eyes. "Yes boring."

Dad made sure to spend extra time with me during the break to make up for his lack of communication. The holidays were rather calm and I got to see my friends from normal school.

Pepper and dad seem even closer than before I left for school. I smile every time they have a cute interaction. Maybe they will end up together.

We had lots of fun and I got lots of new things to work with. I make sure to drill in the need for him to call me. He agreed with very little persuasion.

I huff as I get on to the train thinking about how if he doesn't call me I am going to get death to bring me to him.

The train ride was long and boring as usual so I spent my time sharpening my knives in the shadows. I also did a light work out in my trunk.

I get into one of the carriages that is pulled by skeletal horses and make my way to the school. I wave at sev when I see him and he waves back.

It's Saturday at the very beginning of April and I'm heading down to breakfast as always I am the first one there. I am eating my breakfast when I get a call from fury. I quickly answer it.

"What up?"

"Your father needs help and your team has been selected."

"You know that he doesn't know and it has to stay that way."

"With your disguise you should be fine."

"Fine. When is the meeting time?"

"0800 hours New York time."

I glance at the time that gives me seven hours. "Are we to meet on location?"


"Okay I can meet you there."

"Great." He hangs up and I get back to breakfast. I am done right about when people start to come in. I sit between the twins until breakfast is over and then I go to find sev.

I find him in his office and lock the door behind me. "Sev I need a favor."

"What?" He naturally drawls out.

"I have to go somewhere and I need you to cover for me."

He raises an eyebrow before responding. "Where are you going and what's in it for me?"

I think about it for a moment. "My boss called and he needs me for something. As for what's in it for you, you get to mess with Dumbledore and you can join me this full moon."

"Deal." He says with a smirk. I know that me changing in the forest alone makes him nervous so Dumbledore just sweetened the deal.

I give him a hug and travel to the London base. I change and head in flashing my id. I get into my plane and start to travel as I probably should have left earlier. Thankfully the plane is faster than typical planes so I get there on time.

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