Chapter 9

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Harry pov

I wake up early and get ready, putting on my robes and hiding my weapons around my person. I head to the great hall with one of my books. No one is there so I sit down and call for death. He appears as a school aged child. "Yes?"

"No one is awake." I say with a slight pout.


"I'm bored. Did you get my present yesterday?"

"Yes I got the souls."


"These are the first I have gotten from you that were from the magical world."

"Well they had it coming trying to take a little girl like that."

"Fair enough. I can sense a soul coming so I am off." He says before vanishing.

I frown and wait for the person to come in. It is Dumbledore, I roll my eyes. The food spawns on the table when he walks in. We eat in silence as people slowly trickle in.

I go to the gryffindor table to sit next to Ron when he comes in and sits next to what looks to be his brothers. I walk up behind them and my wrist starts to tingle. I lift up my sleeve and see two new names. Fred and George Wesley. I look down and both of the twins are looking at their arms.

They look ups at me in confusion. I just smile at them before greeting Ron and heading back to my table. I sit and wait for the mail. I get a letter and a copy of the daily prophet.

I open the letter first and it is from pepper. She tells me that in case my father forgot she wanted to make sure that I knew that he was going to Afghanistan for a presentation and I may not be able to get ahold of him. I made a note in my head to call her later and thank her.

Next I opened the daily prophet. I guess word gets around quick because on the front page was me in disguise returning the girl to her parents covered in blood.  I read of the article with a slight smirk.

Friend or foe?

By: Rita Skeeter

Yesterday in digon alley a masked man returned a little girl to her parents. A nice story right? The only problem is he he returned her while covered in blood.

The question is who's blood was it? The little girl was unscathed and labeled him as her hero but was too young to say much more. What happened? Where did the blood come from? No bodies have been found or injured persons checked into Saint Mugos.

Who was this man? Is he a threat? Or will he continue to be a hero? Only time will tell.

Other stories

New book by Lockhart! Pg: 4

Boy who lived not going to Hogwarts pg: 7

Ministry of magic places higher restrictions on wands pg: 15

I am amused by how many of the stories are about me. I place down the newspaper and get back to eating as classes start soon. Today is going to be a long day I can feel it.

I walk into potions and see that all the muggle Borns and a lot of the half bloods are talking about me. I sit in my seat and wait for the teacher.

He glides in his cloak floating through the air. He gives a long speech about being careful before turning to me. "Ah, Mr. Stark our new celebrity." I flinch as I feel an influx of magic around my hip.

"That's my father professor." I reply sassily. He looks slightly alarmed as I feel our magic link. I smile at him so he knows I felt it too.

We get on with the class and soon it is over. " Stark please stay after."

"Of course professor." Everyone starts to shuffle out of the room and I make may way up to the front. When the last person walks out I lock the door with magic and turn to him. "So what creature or creatures are you?"

He studies me. "A vampire." He replies after a few minutes. "What about you?"

"True werewolf and full animagus." He looks at me in awe. I guess it is because they are both rare creatures.

"I have never seen either."

"Yeah they aren't the most common. Most people don't even know they exist."

"So your my mate."

"Yep. Well one of them." I look at where the words were and see a wolf under a full moon with a bat flying over it. "Well I better be off I do have other classes. See you later?"

"See you later." He says with the first smile I have ever seen on the man. I smile back before heading out the door.

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