Chapter 4

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Harry pov

We walk out of the wand shop to see the sun is going down. We quickly rush to the clothing shop. When we get there I am quickly placed on a platform and measured. "What types of clothing do you need?"

" Dress robes in black, dark blue, dark purple, blood red, dark green and grey."

"Can do." He says as he bussles to get my clothing. He quickly gathers all the clothing for me and comes to the desk. "50 gallons." I tap my bracelet and choose my Emrys ring as it is unlikely to be recognized. I tap it on the bill and it changes to payed. I put away the ring and grab my bag.

We walk out and head to the book store. I pick up any books that look interesting. We pay and head to the trunk store. I pick one that has six rooms and multiple compartments. I made sure it had a feather light charm and a programmable lock. After I pick it  the person takes it to the desk and rings me up. I pay and we head back home.

I get home and go straight to bed as tomorrow will be very busy. I slip into my pajamas and brush my teeth. Then I slip under the covers.

I wake up to the sun streaming through the window. I get up and get dressed before heading downstairs. I smell bacon the minute I step out of my room. I head to the table and sit down. I can smell the people at the table. Dad smells like coffee and motor oil. Pepper smells of flowers and fresh paper.

I'm eating breakfast when another scent comes in. I cover my nose at the musky scent. When I see Atiya walk in looking surprised. "Hey Harry can I talk to you." He says. I nod and follow him. When we get to the other room and close the door he starts to talk. "So when did you get your inheritance and what kind of werewolf are you?"

"Last night I guess. Everything smells so much stronger today. It said on the test yesterday that I was a true werewolf. How did you know?"

"I am a born werewolf. My parents are both werewolves. We have very little connection to the magical world due to the fact we are just creatures and not wizards."

"What are the differences in werewolves?"

"Well true werewolves are the most rare and the best. It doesn't hurt to change, they change into a wolf and have full control. As well as being able to change whenever you want. Next is born werewolves they don't have pain when they transform but they only do so on a full moon. They only gain wolf like features like claws and teeth and can control their wolves. Last their is changed wolves. They get horrible pain when they change, they have no control and change into some half human half wolf hybrid. All wolves have enhanced senses and don't worry you will get used to it. Anyways Happy birthday."

I nod and we head back to the table where everyone is finishing breakfast. Right as we get to the the door bell rings. We look through the cameras to see an older woman with a letter. I recognize here from when I was a baby. "That's professor McGonagall, she is probably here to give me my letter and take me shopping."

"Okay go ahead and get the door then." Dad says still drinking his coffee. I walk over to the door and let McGonagall in. We walk back to the table where everyone is waiting curiously.

"Hello everyone I have come to give Harry Stark his letter and explain what it entails. You are all family right?" I nod as I consider them all family. "Great, so Harry has been chosen to go to a private school in Scotland. This is a very special school for very specific types of children." She says clearly unsure how to break the news to such a prominent none magical figure. "I am glad to tell you that Harry has magic." She says at last.

Pepper is the only one that is surprised. "I know now tell me about this school." Dad says still sipping coffee. Both of the women look at him in surprise.

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