Chapter 6

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Harry pov

After we drop clara at home we separate into different planes. I take Jack as I have to go to England anyways and the others take Marie. We grab our headphones and get into the plane.

I can tell that Jack is barely holding in questions for my as I sure his parents already told him about how muggles can't know about us. When we get in the plane and I turn of the radio I look at him. "Ask what you want but first let me get in the sky."

After we are safe in the sky he starts the questions. "Did you really defeat you know who when you were a baby?"

"Yep. His spell rebound for some reason."

"I'm sorry about your parents. Are you really Harry Potter?"

"Yes but also no. I used to be named Harry Potter but now I am Harry Stark. Tony Stark adopted me."

"Tony stark?"

"He is famous in the muggle world."

"Ah. Why are your eyes not green? All the stories said you have eyes as green as emeralds or the killing curse."

"Contacts. Muggles made them so you could change the color of your eyes. They are little pieces of colored plastic that cover your eyes."


"I know right." My phone buzzes after that statement. "Phone read message aloud."

"One message from Dad. When are you going to be home I didn't think school shopping would take this long. End of message."

"Message back I will be home in about an hour I got a little caught up in something."

"Message sent."

The rest of the ride was quiet. I look back and see that he fell asleep so I call death. When he appears I have questions for him. "I hope you like the souls I sent."

"I always do. The more souls I get the better the pay."

"You get paid?"

"Yes, Charon gives me half the dracmas he earns."

"Well good for you I guess. Can you tell me where this boy lives I need to take him home."

He looks at the Jack. "Good you got to him when you did he has the mark of narrowly escaping death. He lives at 22 south main street, Manchester, England."

"Really?" I say angrily. "I wish I could have killed them twice. Thank you for the help." He nods and disappears. I fly the rest of the way and land in London England. I get out of the plane and return the stuff I borrowed before picking up Jack and walking out. When I get out of view of the building I step into the shadows and go to Manchester.

When we arrive I walk out of the alley and look at the numbers on the houses. I walk down the road with him asleep in my arms until I reach 22. I shift him onto one arm and knock on the door. I tired looking man opens the door. When he sees Jack in my arms he lights up and starts to cry. "Mary come here." He yells inside of the house.

I here running. "Did they find him?" an equally tired looking woman asks him. He points at me and she looks over. Tears fill her eyes. "My baby!" She runs over to me and picks up Jack. She hugs him close to her body and bushes her hand through his dirty hair.

After a moment she turns to me. "Thank you for bringing my baby back to me."

"I was just doing my job." I reply.

"Still thank you."

"Your welcome." I say before starting to walk away. I stop quickly and turn back. "Don't disregard the chance of him being a Gryffindor, he is a pretty brave one." I say with a smile before walking into an alley and traveling home.

I arrive home and head in. I see my dad on the couch looking at something on his tablet. "I'm home."

"Finally, how long does it take to get school supplies?"

"Not that long I just had to solve some things from work over the phone and it took forever."

"Well next time text me."

"Will do."

He walks over and kisses my forehead. "Love you bub."

"Love you too dad." He ruffles my hair and goes back to what he was doing. I grab some dinner and head to bed.

A couple weeks later I get up and head to Lucréce's house. I have gotten pretty close to his children over the years and today is Leo's eleventh birthday.

I get there and see Minnie sitting at the table with them. "A busy couple of weeks I guess." I say in their direction. Minnie looks at me in confusion and Lucréce's kids come over and hug me. They told me I could come over early and hang out.

I go over and sit at the table with them. Minnie starts to calm down and continue to explain. "So as I was saying your son is a wizard."

They don't show the shock so they must have already heard. Leo looks a bit confused. "Why didn't you ask if he was family?"

"Because I gave him his letter a few weeks ago on his birthday." Leo looks at me in awe.

"So we are going to school together?"

"Yep, if you agree." I say to him.

"Mom, dad can I go? Harry is going."

"I guess as long as you call us every night."

"I promise." Minnie looks a bit befuddled but just goes along with it.

The rest of the day was spent shopping for his school stuff and at Leo's birthday party with all his school friends.

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