Chapter 12

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Harry pov

The first Lord's meeting happened and I must say it is unbearably boring. It did however learn that the people here are horribly corrupt so I plan on doing something about that. Both the 'light' and 'dark' sides have their own corruption. I placed all of my seats in the middle of the neutral section.

After I got home from the meeting I got a call from Fury. "Yes?"

"We uncovered captain American, a war hero from world war two who is still alive and has the appearance of the age he was when he went missing. I need you to come in to help with this."

"This doesn't exactly seem like a problem you would need a shadow for."

"I don't need you to come in as shadow, I need you to come in as the non threatening,  child genius, Harry Stark. He knew your grandfather Howard Stark so you would be the least threatening agent we have to deal with him."

"Alright, I will be in as quickly as possible."

"Good." With that he hangs up and I get ready. I get into a comfy, large tan sweater and some black slacks before equipping all of my weapons and grabbing both my level ten and level one ID's. I stuff my shadow outfit in my bag along with some other things and travel outside of the base. I grabbed my shadow things as I feel like something is going to happen soon.

I arrived and am escorted to a hospital room. It looks like it is from a while ago probably to make him feel better. I sit in the chair next to his and wait as the nurse said he should wake up soon. I pull some spare parts out of my bag and start tinkering while I am waiting.

After about an hour he starts to stir so I put my partially finish project in my bag and wait for him to fully wake up. Soon enough he shoots out of bed in a panic looking around in fear. I sit perfectly still and calm so when he looks at me he calms down and just looks confused. "Where am I? Who are you?"

"You are in a hospital and I am Harry Stark."

"Why am I in a hospital?"

"Because we found you in a plane buried in some ice."

He nods a little clearly still confused. "Wait your a Stark!? I didn't know Howard had a son."

"He did have a son but it was after you went missing and his name is Tony. Howard is my grandfather, it has been around seventy years since you went missing."

He sits there unmoving for several minutes, shock clearly showing on his face. "How?" It comes out as almost a whisper.

"We don't know, the doctors think that it is a mix of the ice and the serum running through your veins. It seems like it preserved your body as you slept in the ice."

"You know you talk just like him."


"Howard, you sound so calm and knowledgeable." I just nod.

"That makes sense."

"How much has changed since then?"

"A lot. I can get permission to take you outside if you want to see?"

"Please." I head out the door and get the attention of a nurse. She pretty quickly agreed and I returned back to the room.

"Come on, let's see how much New York has changed." I say holding my hand out. He takes it and I lead him outside.

The moment he exits the front door he stops in shock. "This is really New York?"

"Yeah, the one and only."

We walk around for a while, him never letting go of my hand. After showing him most of the area around the base he is finally ready to return.

After I get him in bed I get another call from Fury. "What?"

"An unknown object fell from the sky in New Mexico and I want your team to help guard it. You are also possibly needed to help with identification."

"Alright, how am I going to get there?"

"A plane is waiting on the roof of the building for shadow. Hawk eye and black widow are already inside."

"I will be right there." He hangs up. I say goodbye bye to Steve and go outside. I change in the alleyway and walk back in as shadow before going to the roof to catch my plane.

*Authors note

Should I fully integrate Percy Jackson into the story? If I do the time frame of that will change to better fit the story. If I do integrate it should I add another person to the main ship? If so who? I am thinking either Nico, Leo or Percy.

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