Chapter 17

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Harry pov

We enter and weave through the crowd. When I got over to Severus and Leo, I introduced the di Angelo's to them. "Now I have to ask what is going on?"

"The celebrity, Lockhart is signing books today." Severus says with even more disgust than usual.

"Alright, that is truly unfortunate. Let's just get the required books and go. As I am getting my books for this year and helping Bianca find her books a fight breaks out between the Malfoy and Weasley fathers.

They get broken up by my friends but I notice that Malfoy Sr slips a book that feels like a soul into the youngest Weasleys pile of books. I grab it quickly before anyone notices and call death. He comes quickly and I hand him the book. He takes it and leaves while we finish shopping. I plan on giving Nico my books from last year and get the few books that have changed before heading to check out.

When we approach the counter my wrist is grabbed and I am pulled away. "It is truly perfect that another celebrity is here with me." I look up at Lockhart in disgust. "Harry Stark, a celebrity in the muggle world is here today to help me with my big announcement. This year I will be filling the DADA position at Hogwarts!"

Great that is going to be highly unpleasant. I pull myself away from him before they can get a photo of us together. "You will be hearing from my lawyers and let me tell you I have a lot more power than one would think." I dust myself off and pay for my books making sure to flash one of my more recognizable rings from one of my more important families making him turn white before I stamp it and leave

When we get outside we head straight to the ice cream shop. We order our ice cream and grab a booth. "So Nico I can give you my old books on the train when we head to Hogwarts."

"Thank you."

"No problem it is not like I need them anymore."

We finish our ice cream and bid them ado before heading back to New York. It is already quite late so by the time I arrive home I simply eat dinner and go to bed.

We arrive at the station with Severus and he makes sure we are set before appearating back to Hogwarts. We get on the train and go straight to the compartment we had last year. Inside is a small blonde girl, she seems rather fun and strange in a good way. I don't have much time to think about it though before I get a tingling feeling over my heart. I can also see a slight glow coming through my shirt.

I lift up my shirt collar slightly so I can look at my chest and it reads Luna Lovegood. I search through my memories to identify what this means and I find it. This means that she is my soul twin. I look at her soul slightly and quickly realized that she is the master of something or maybe a couple of things it is hard to tell.

It is at that moment that I realize that I haven't checked to see if any of my current friends or the masters of anything as it is a skill that I was taught by death over the summer. Neville comes up as one as well but it doesn't read as being active so he must not be aware yet and draco is the same. I shrug and sit down beside Luna who doesn't seem surprised at all about what just happened, perhaps she is the master of fate.

The ride to Hogwarts is quiet so I spend most of my time reading. I make sure to give my old books to Nico and read their souls while I am at it. Nico reads as being a master as well and he hasn't discovered it either so his father must have given them the key to their vault making an inheritance test unnecessary. When we get there we say goodbye to Luna as she has to ride the boats and head towards the carriages. I give deaths horses some pets before getting in.

When we get into the great hall I see the man from the book store. I glare at him and can't help but let a little disgust slip on to my face. I read all his books since I got them and they are so inaccurate that it hurts. I can't believe that they let this fool teach children.

I am in my thoughts as the sorting happens and am only broken out by someone laying a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Luna. I look around and see that Nico is in Hufflepuff and Bianca is in Gryffindor. They both look quite content with their placements so I turn back to Luna.

"The fates seem to have too much fun with you I apologize." Ah so I was right about the fate thing.

"It is not as if you can control them." I respond because I know that the amount that you can actually control is limited unless the universe feels as though a creation is being threatened. She nods and sits beside me. Everyone scoots over slightly as they clearly think that she is weird but we just continue talking and ignore most of the others.

We have been at school for a few months and I can say that Lockhart is getting on my last nerve. He let out pixies in my class and a Bogart in the first year classes. I sigh as I head to breakfast realizing that his class is first today.

I sit down next to Luna who seems a bit disappointed, she probably saw something but can't do anything to change it. She turns to me after a moment. "You're going to have a horrible day, I'm sorry." Great, so today as going to be terrible. I am looking forward to it. Sarcasm dripping from the words in my mind.

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