im here

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ruby pov

as soon as my car pulls up i run in up the stares and to archis room hes laying on the floor sobbing "oh archie" i coo i help him stand and lead him over to his bedi let him rap my arms around me "shh my love im  here' i say i wait intill hid breath evens out and then i slowly clime out of bed and gose to fps room the maids in there stand "leav' i say they do i slowly go throu the stiff putting it in boxses  finnly i come to the picters,


"shh" archi says "hes comming" they giggle "ok ok" aro turns the corrner "boo" aro shrikes like a girl.

marcuse walks in the room "who died my hair pink" archie tris to step forward but ruby puts her hand over his mouth

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marcuse walks in the room "who died my hair pink" archie tris to step forward but ruby puts her hand over his mouth

marcuse walks in the room "who died my hair pink" archie tris to step forward but ruby puts her hand over his mouth

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a younger archei and ruby lay on the floor  "what re you doing"  Fred  says walking in"nothing"

a younger archei and ruby lay on the floor  "what re you doing"  Fred  says walking in"nothing"

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"this party sucks" archie says ruby nods "lets take a picture"

"whats wrong" archie asks ruby "what if i dont find my mate" archie looks at her and gose down on one knee " ruby daughter of voltor if you dont find your mate  by 30 i ptomise my self to you"

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"whats wrong" archie asks ruby "what if i dont find my mate" archie looks at her and gose down on one knee " ruby daughter of voltor if you dont find your mate  by 30 i ptomise my self to you"

"whats wrong" archie asks ruby "what if i dont find my mate" archie looks at her and gose down on one knee " ruby daughter of voltor if you dont find your mate  by 30 i ptomise my self to you"

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end of flashback

"i remmeber that day" i turn around and run to archie giving him a hug "lets go watch o movie" he says "we have a long day tommorow."


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