gender reveal

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Jaspers pov

Alise made edward and ruby leave so that carlisle the only one who knows what the baby is. Once he has the gender he leaavs for 'work' and they come back home and help set up for he party, once there done they wait a little while later the gests show up,

Alise pov

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Alise pov

we surve teats for thos who can eat, as there slowly eat i text carlile telling him that he should start heading over here soon, we quickly move everyone from the living room and have ruby opan some more presents carlile coms in and heads to the living room he then walks back in "alright everyone but ruby and edward head in to the living room and get comfy" he says we do.

Edwards pov

Carlile gestures for us to follow him in to the living room i frown at the thoughts but it soon becomes clear in the living room there are two boxes ruby gasps "twins?" she asks carlile nods "ok edward stend behind box A and ruby stand behind box ...

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Carlile gestures for us to follow him in to the living room i frown at the thoughts but it soon becomes clear in the living room there are two boxes ruby gasps "twins?" she asks carlile nods "ok edward stend behind box A and ruby stand behind box B" we do "on the ount of three open the box"





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