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"what do you maen you cant see her" jasper asks alise "i dont know i cant seem  to see her" she repiles "well do you know were she is" edward asks "shes here"  ruby says quiltly we all frown "how do you know" emmet asks "well shes offisly mad and shes thinking logicly shes scouing out the area" she says they all look at her "she knows bellas not your mate but she also knows she cant come after me so shill go after bella and the town but shes probly not sure yet if were going to protect it yet" she says they all  just look at her " how can you possbly know that" they say "you killd her mate" is all she says "thats tecnecly illigal but i may have a sulotion" she says they all look at her  " evry one has a second mate i know someone who can find hers" she says "so well go o him" emmet says she shakes her head "no me  emmet and edward and rosline  will go to him the rest of you will  start training" she stands "boys go pack for a month" they nod and go she looks at jasper "your incharge of the training" "yes ma,am" he says "whhat you cant take my Eddiie" bella shriks ruby sighs "bella was it in all honesty i forgot you were here"  she says bella opans her mouth trying to hink of somthing to say "anywho alise call me evry week at keep me posted ill tell you what the plans are if my suspisions of what victora is doing is true" "and what do you think shes doing" rosiline asks "she may not be abel to go after me and rory but she can go after you all and whats harde then a vampier to beat a vampier" she pauses "a vamper beating a newborn" she smiles and walks up stars "i have a thery that  your sister thrives off of drama rory" esmay says whitch suprises evryone "yes my father said if theres not drama then ruby will creat drama"   emmet walks down stairs "so were are we going" "well if the duds still there london but i have a thery well be going all over" "ROSE COME PACK"

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