Bella was it

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rorys pov

ruby walks dow just as bella walks in she cant evn get to use befor ruby stops her bell laps her carlile and jasper hold  edward back "stay away frome edward or i swear i will make your life miserable" (who got the quot) she asks sweetly i sniker ...

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ruby walks dow just as bella walks in she cant evn get to use befor ruby stops her bell laps her carlile and jasper hold  edward back "stay away frome edward or i swear i will make your life miserable" (who got the quot) she asks sweetly i sniker "this is going to be fun" me and emmet say at the same time, "i dont know bella for me to do that id actullyy have to care about what you think" emmet slapss a hand over his mouth  "you see bella its not me stuck in this town whith you i could leave when ever i whant its you stuck in this town whith me" she had wwaalktt bella out of the house closd the door and locks it she walks in to the living room  "lets get this party started.

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