day out

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Rubys pov  

i wake up and quickly get ready today sams going to take me over to la push.  he got the elsers to make an eseptoin well they relly dinit have a choise i try to find edward befor i shower "weres edward" i ask jasper "he went hunting i think hes a little jelouse" "oh" i say and run up stairs rory follows and keeps stepping on my heals "all riht all right ill get our outfits"

  he got the elsers to make an eseptoin well they relly dinit have a choise i try to find edward befor i shower "weres edward" i ask jasper "he went hunting i think hes a little jelouse" "oh" i say and run up stairs rory follows and keeps stepping...

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once im done i quickly run out to the car then i make my way to la push. i arive at the house his house and knock. 

(yes she was afried of him  but i dont care)

i quickly go and nock on his door to my suprise jacobe anwsers " what are you doing here" he snarels "um... sam invied me" i stutter he snorts "jacobe what have i told you" sam says jacobe sighs and steps aside "redy?" sam asks "were are we going" "anywere you want" i smile "jake arnt you goin to see alise""oh yeah" i frown "hey jake here" i tose him my keys he looks shockt "dont total it" i jock he snorts and nods

jaspers pov 

"rory lets go" i say she nods "ok lets go first stop birthady present for ruby" i nod and start driving sam and i are getting them out of the hous so that we can decrate the house ro the birthday arty edward whent shopping for there presents"

sams pov

"were do  you whant to go first?" i ask "can we go to a book store" i nod "i herd from edward tha you like reading" she nods "yes do you?" she ask i chuckel "i dont read"hse looks at me "cant or wont" she teases i put a hand over my heart "you woond me"

at the house

"no higher rose" alise says  rose sighs and looks at emmet he chuckel "yeh rose higer" she smacks his head "ow why do you guys keep hitting me?" he ask "becuse you deserve it" jacobe says passing them.

sam pov 

were almostet done so i pull out her dress that alise sent me "put this on and do your makeup" i say "ok?"  she says confused

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