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Edwards pov

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Edwards pov

I stand at the end of the iale whating for the doors to opan and the bidesmaids to walk out out i here jessica asking mike if he thinks rubys pregnet i here a huff and a commont from bell saying it should be her theory witing for, i honestly dont know why ruby invited her. Soon the music starts casius walks esmto the faimllys of the bride side then aro with his mate, finally its the bides maids after them theres a pause and then the music starts evry one stands, my jaw drops when i see her shes gorgeous. She walks down on marcuse arm and smiles once she reaches us marcus kisses her cheek i ofer her my hand, she takes it.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered her today to witness the marrige of edward cullen and ruby voltori" the prist says

Rorys pov

"Do you edward cullen take ruby to be your wife" the prist ask "i do" and do you ruby voltori take edward cullen to be you huband" "i do" ruby says "i object" bella sceeeches the prist just carrys on ignoring her "now with the power invested in me i anounse you husband and wife" he smile a them "you may kiss the bride"

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