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ok so this is me saying that i wont tell you what the twins are till there birth comes

Sams pov

Edward and i walk in to to the living room and see allis rory and rose all standin around ruby rose looks up at us "ruby look whos here" she says, ruby looks up at all of us and smiles "tell them the names you chosen" ruby smiles at us, "if its two boys Tadashi and wasabi " she smiles "and two girls" i ask "zelda and zinnia" edwards coughhs i elbow him shes a princess he nods "and if its one of each" rose asks "Apollo, Artemis," i smile and edward nods "see he likess te-" shes cut of when theres a loud crack, she falls back, edward speeds over to her and catches her fall.

Edwards pov

"Carlile wont be here for 30 mitutes!" alise says "theres no time" rose growls" she grabs a knife "get them out of me!" ruby screams, rosine makes the cut.rory walks over to me "shes not going to make it unless you change her" she whispers,i nod sadly. The rooms filld with a loud wailing "there boys my love" i say she smiles weakly then grunts "theres so-" rose pulls out another baby "its a girl" she smiles she gasps "th....ere....names...are.....Apollo.....Artimis ..and Asteria" we nod "i whant to go out......side w...whit... rory" i nod rap her in a blacket and carry her outside on the deck rory comes out later she smile weakly  she whispers  "" rory nods

Deep in the meadow under the willow a bed of grass a soft green pillow

Lay down your head and close your sleepy eyes

Here its safe here its warm here the daisies guard you from evrey harm

Here is the plase were i love you

She jesters for me to bite her i do and step back

Here its safe

Here its warm

Here the daisies guard you from evry harm

Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true here is the plase

Here is the plase were i love you. "Sleep well my sister"

No ruby dosent die yull see in the next chapter

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