a week with Edward

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edwards pov

today the day im talking her up to a cabin that carline rented for us a whole week together and then ill prouese to her when we get back "ruby come on lets go" yell she runs down the staris and smiles at me "im ready" "were are you going" bella says from bhined me i stifle a grown "on a trip" roby says pulling me with her we get in the car and start driving. We wont be there for a whole night so i tell her to take a nap soon we get there

 rubys still asleep so i carry her inside and tuck her in to bed then i  unload evrything and put it were it shold go

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 rubys still asleep so i carry her inside and tuck her in to bed then i unload evrything and put it were it shold go. Next i o on a hunt.

Rubys pov

Day one

I wake up to birds chrirpping and smile then i quickly go shower and then i changei find edward in the living room reading "what are we doing today" i ask "were going hiking so i recommend you put something on other then that outfit" i giggle and nod running to my room and changne.

I wake up to birds chrirpping and smile then i quickly go shower and then i changei find edward in the living room reading "what are we doing today" i ask "were going hiking so i recommend you put something on other then that outfit" i giggle and ...

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I walk back out and see edward standing by the door "should we go," i nod we head out and start driving "so are you going to tell me the rest of the plan for these five days" i ask he shakes his head "no its all going to be a surprise" he says. After thirty minutes we reach a parking lot and get out we start walking "eddie whats in the basket" i ask just noticing it "luch dinner and some books" he syas i smile and kiss his cheek "yeay" he chuckesl "were almost there" after tean minute we reach a clearing and sit down

 After thirty minutes we reach a parking lot and get out we start walking "eddie whats in the basket" i ask just noticing it "luch dinner and some books" he syas i smile and kiss his cheek "yeay" he chuckesl "were almost there" after tean minute w...

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 edward gets me a brefets full of berrys and yougart but im to distracted by the view and the animile i start walking butedward grapes my wrist "eat first then exsploor" he says i sigh but nod.

Edwards pov

I smile as i see ruby playing with the animasles and bathing in the sun,by lunch time shes reading and then we head back she quickly changes in to pj's "baby i have a present for you" i say she looks at me and smiles "ok" i hand her a box

I smile as i see ruby playing with the animasles and bathing in the sun,by lunch time shes reading and then we head back she quickly changes in to pj's "baby i have a present for you" i say she looks at me and smiles "ok" i hand her a box

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 she reads it and smiles then kises my cheek "thank you" she then heads to bed

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