lets finish school

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read becuse its funny but kinda short

read becuse its funny but kinda short

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ruby pov

" my fellow students" jessica begins shes reading us her valvictorion speach, onse hes done we all smile "what do you think" she asks "its good" rory says alis nots but then her eys glaze over so i say "im going to throw a party after graduation" jessica smiles "at the cullens again?" i nod "yep yull come right" she nods "good" i say smiling  "cool were so in" alise shakes of her vision and smiles "so were thinking spring themed for the party"  jesica nods "cool"  once lunch eds we quickly go to class.

jaspers pov

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jaspers pov

ruby and i have hisory together i dont know why there making us watch romoe and juliet "i relly whish i was in since right now whith edward" she says i chuckel and look behinde me "wow teenagers are emotional"

ruby and i have hisory together i dont know why there making us watch romoe and juliet "i relly whish i was in since right now whith edward" she says i chuckel and look behinde me "wow teenagers are emotional"

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"yeah or the  feel nothing"  i snort "or there just bord"

edwards pov

"ok so im thinking that instead of spring we should do pink and blue" alise says to ruby "yeas i like that a lot more" they smile and then look at me "what" they ask i chuckel 'im not wereing a pink suit alise" i say 

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"ok so im thinking that instead of spring we should do pink and blue" alise says to ruby "yeas i like that a lot more" they smile and then look at me "what" they ask i chuckel 'im not wereing a pink suit alise" i say 

Emmets pov

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Emmets pov

"what is this on the fringe" i yell "oh its a bored were whenever we smake you we put a tally down" ruby says giggling i frown "thats not nise rose" i yell at the end " it was roseline ideas"

"what is this on the fringe" i yell "oh its a bored were whenever we smake you we put a tally down" ruby says giggling i frown "thats not nise rose" i yell at the end " it was roseline ideas"

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roslines pov

ruby invited jesiicas tabel to sit whith us and there nise in all honesty there very nise. a the end of the day jacob standing by his car alise rins to  him and they hug

ruby pov 

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ruby pov 

"i whish we  skipt school today ant tommorow i dont whant to take finals" i wimper in edwards shulder her laughs "yull be fine"

"i whish we  skipt school today ant tommorow i dont whant to take finals" i wimper in edwards shulder her laughs "yull be fine"

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no ones pov 

"jessica looks aroud the tabel  did you here that bellas coming back" the rest of the tabel grones"

ruby desides to be ruby on the secode to last day of school "look at this fisch i found you guys" "were did you even find that" jessica asks "the roed" she repiles they all look at her " it so cute" "its a prianna ruby" 

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ruby desides to be ruby on the secode to last day of school "look at this fisch i found you guys" "were did you even find that" jessica asks "the roed" she repiles they all look at her " it so cute" "its a prianna ruby" 

there all sitting at the lunch tabel when the cafitira gose quite bella walks in the cullesn  do the best to ignore her when ruby jups on the tabel whith emmet "to brus chillen in a hot tub five feet apart cuz there not gay" 

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there all sitting at the lunch tabel when the cafitira gose quite bella walks in the cullesn  do the best to ignore her when ruby jups on the tabel whith emmet "to brus chillen in a hot tub five feet apart cuz there not gay" 

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