we will fight

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Rubys pov

I sigh as i sit on a couch in my mothers study waiting for him the children are siting by me waiting for him i look at honylemon and see her looking at me puzzled " yes?" i ask her " grandpas a man right" i nod knowing were this is going " theen why do you call her mother" i smiler at her " because hes the only person who was truly like a mother to me." i say as he walks in.

Edwards pov

" you will help us wont you benjermion" i ask he nods " of cours i will shes a good friend and shes been sending photos of you children to me id be honored to fight along side you"

Alis pov

I look around the small motal room " will we be able to kill some vapers" scott asks i nod and smile.

Jaspers pov

" its steven" marce says i smirk " let me speak with march steveen its about your sister"

Rorys pov

" cherall blossom as i li-" i puch veronica in the vase " its rory bitch" i snap i look up at betty then archie and victoria " leav cooper this dosent concern you" i snarl she nods and leaves. " " we need your help its about ruby"

Rubys pov

" ill do anything mother i promise" i plead he looks at me " lead with me you and your children" he says " w...what..ab..about...edward" he may live with us"  

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