whats been going on

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frost (Maya) pov

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frost (Maya) pov

a dark figure meets up whith Bella "what news do you have" the figure says "they havent started gathring there forses" bella says "what" bella nods "mmh pehaps they do not see us as a threat" "well not yet" bella repilse the figure looks at her "well what are you waiting for get back to work" "yes frost" the women sees a incoming call from some one named barry she declines and runs off

a dark figure meets up  whith Bella "what news do you have" the figure says "they havent started gathring there forses" bella says "what" bella nods "mmh pehaps they  do not see us as a threat" "well not yet" bella repilse the figure looks at her ...

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barrys pov

i quickly diel mayas cousins nummber "hello" "hey is this rily" "no this is jane her gardion how may i help you" i sob "its maya she....shes gone rough" theress a paus and i here voises in the distends "will meet you in forks in one month"

shes gone rough" theress a paus and i here voises in the distends "will meet you in forks in one month"

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Lucas pov

i smile as i walk around the car " its good to see you son" carlise says "thanks " opening the door " im glad you let us come ever scenes the fight between maya and my dads the hose has been a little stressful and thats not good for th-" "what are you doing here" bella shrikes when wanda steps out of the car "hey dont speak to my mate like that" i say " lucas its vall right" she says in her sokovia acssent" she steps forward "im octavia luceses mate and bellas little sister" she says smiling,esma smiles at her along whith edward "its lovly to meet you" she smiles and looks at rosline "your very pretty" emmet snickers and rose smiles while edward frowns thats what ruby my mom had said when they first met, he snaps back to reality 

esmas pov

"so you and bella are sisers" she nods "yes" "not half sisters" she laghs "no were full sisters" i smile "so were did you and lucas meet" she gigels and looks at him " i was on a mission whith a good freind of mine we were about to leave when i saw lucas speed by he remided me of m- of someone" she say quicly " ugh why are you even h-" "shut up bella you lied just so you could be changed" bella looks nevouse"you bitch" bella yells evryone gasps then looks on as she punches her wanda graps her cheek " i am your sister how dare you turn on me" bella shrikes bella countines to yell at her but wnada just stands there she then starts smileing "you havent told them about pitro have you" bella stops and looks at her "what thats not inp-" wanda intrupse her "i use to have a brother his name was pitro he died by the hand of a man named ultron doing what he loved protecting me.

"so you and bella are sisers" she nods "yes" "not half sisters" she laghs "no were full sisters" i smile "so were did you and lucas meet" she gigels and looks at him " i was on a mission whith a good freind of mine we were about to leave when i sa...

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rilys pov

today im going to a cottoge im to spend one weeks here and study and learn befor the test then if i pass ill be crownd queen of voltorie. i smlile as i look out of the car window and see the house its butiffule its just me and jane,alexc,felix and demitier. apparently we have to hurry this up becuse maya has gone rouge and is creating a army.

what have i done rily thinks looking at the body parts strewd acrossher room she falls to her knees and crise holding a hand to her chest i killd him i killd my mate she screache srilly slays all the slendermen and rises she smiles at jane "well done my queen" "all hail queen rily"

No ones pov 

(phone call to all three sibalings")


we need your help bella wants to start a war

were on our way

ugh fine ill stop being killor frost for this as ling as i get to kill people

ohh a war will there be blood

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