Tadashis meets his mate

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Tadashis pov

i currently was in a gift shop in franse  when i feel a tug towerds the flower shop next door i walk in and see a butifule young lady behind the regester, she smiles at me and i walk closer ¨iv been waiting for you¨ she says ¨you know who i am¨  she nods ¨of cours silly im  a fairy¨ i nod and smile at her ¨would you like to go out for dinner tonight¨ she nods and smiles ¨i live above the shop¨ she say ¨cool ill pick you up¨

Ingrids pov

i quickly change when i get up to my room and quickly change

i quickly change when i get up to my room and quickly change

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i quickly wait for Tadashies to come and pick me up.when he dose he smiles and looks me up and down ¨you look very pretty,¨ i smile ¨thank you¨  i say smiling at him

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