ugh Bella and fourth of July

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jaspers pov

"rory lets go alsie is going to be mad if were late to the show"  i call up stars she walks down stars and i smile "you look lovly" i say she smiles.

as we arive at the park i here bella yelling at the rest of the faimly when she sees rory she storms up to her "were my edward" rory stiffens and waves her hand "edward is whith my sister and hes not your edward hes her edward you should try to re...

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as we arive at the park i here bella yelling at the rest of the faimly when she sees rory she storms up to her "were my edward" rory stiffens and waves her hand "edward is whith my sister and hes not your edward hes her edward you should try to remeber theat" she says and walks away i follow her "pleas let me kill that bitch" rose says "no ruby wants to be the one to do that we all look at her "your sister would never murder anyone" she smirks "youd be suprised whith what she can d-" "JAAAAKE" bell shrikes as he raps his arms around alise he graons "what issebella" she glars at rory "first of its bella second tell this bicht that edwardt mine"  rory steps forward "get it through yyou think skull you  bi-" thers a lod noise and we relies bella slapt rory i growl and emmet holds me back "stay out of my way you slut and tell your sister that ill make her life hell" she stars walkilng away wwhen rory laughs lond and high its a deranges laugh bella looks at her confused and shockt rory walks up to her and patse her cheek "oh bella....sweet nieve....bella so clueless" she chuckle  "you cant make someones life hell if the just got back from there" she pasts her cheek agin "id be carfull bell  very caarfull"

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