school, Bella and baseball

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rubys pov 

i woke up whith a start i look around edwars sitting on his chair watcing me  i blush "we shuld get ready" i say he nods and stands then looks down at me "i whant to try something" i nod edward leas closer intill our lips touch  i close my eyes and moen as the kiss becomes a full out makeout sesion "hey edwa --aaaa" we brake apart and see emmet looking at us wide eyed rose comes by and drags him by his ear "get ready you to" she says as they walk down stars we arive "oh rose your rooms done and i made it so you can chair it whith racale" esma says "thank you ill look after the game tonight" she nods "and your car arived" carlile says i run up and change

i woke up whith a start i look around edwars sitting on his chair watcing me  i blush "we shuld get ready" i say he nods and stands then looks down at me "i whant to try something" i nod edward leas closer intill our lips touch  i close my eyes an...

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and then head out side emmets just stairing at the car "come one eddie lets go" "i whant a car like that 

and then head out side emmets just stairing at the car "come one eddie lets go" "i whant a car like that 

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edwards pov

when we arrived at scchool evryone lookt at us there  mouths opan mike newton just stard at ruby as she eseted the car. ruby loket the car and then we made our way inside "one sec eddie i have to enrole recal in to school" i nod and watch her walk off. bella storms up to me "whered she get that car" she snarels "he dad baught it" i say she blinks "edward" she purrs "im your mate not he-" before she can finnish i hear "oh bella your still coming tonight right?" ruby asks bella blinks "good will see you there" and she pulls me away to our first hour class"

when we get to lunch Bella trise to sit whith us but when she comes to are table ruby gose "were were just about to leav sorry bella maby next time" whith that we all walk away  none of us have any other classes  whith bella so its a quite day intill baseball one home evryone quickly changes

when we get to lunch Bella trise to sit whith us but when she comes to are table ruby gose "were were just about to leav sorry bella maby next time" whith that we all walk away  none of us have any other classes  whith bella so its a quite day int...

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i see rubys outfit and go "arnt you going to play?" "no im going to draw" i nod we take her car onse we arvie i put a blancket down for her and sit then i pat my lap "sit whith me and baby you can teach me how to draw" 

alise pov

bella was quite a pain but it did not matter edward and ruby are just to cute.

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