rory and rooms

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rubys pov

the first thing i do when i wake up is go to  shower then i pack rary a snack and change

the first thing i do when i wake up is go to  shower then i pack rary a snack and change

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next i get in the  car  and gead to the airport to pick her up.

jaspers pov

 "nervose" edwards asks i nod my head the car pulls up and we all stand waiting. ruby walks in whith a red head " guys  this is my sister rory, rory this is esma emmet, rose,alise jasper" her eyes linger on mine "and ofcorse you know carlile" she nods and looks t ruby they seem to have a conversaton whith there eyes edward frowns "rory dosent speak  you can ask her questions and shill right it down or ask her yes or no questions she also knows sing laguege" she says "why" emmet asks i growel scensig rorys discomfort "were twins im a muse while shes a siran her vosie is deadly while mine talls a story" rory taps ger shoulder a few times "oh amd she knows morse  code" i smile "i do  to darlin" i say she looks at me and smiles "rory you must be tierd il take you to our room.

the room

the room

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