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" Loki , here's Eisa" says Eir , goddess of healing , she's the one that can call him by his name , because she's the responsible for his child when he's not , and because she was one of the sigyn's good friends , they grew together .

" thank you , how was your classes? " he asks picking her up , Eir nodded and went back to her work of healing the soldiers , since more arrived.
" it was good "
" that's nice "
" daddy ?"
" yes my love "
" I might have done something bad ...."
" what ? Eisa what did you do ?"
" in class , a boy was chasing my friend and and he wanted to beat her up so I put myself in front of her and punched him myself ...."
Loki did an effort not to laugh
" yes that's definitely my child " Loki says to himself
" exactly like your daddy , you protect your friend that's what matter "
' and beat the boys ass too ' Loki says in his head

" EISA " skadi yelled " that's not correct you beat a child violence it's not the key to all the problems " she says
" skadi less , she protected her friend from an rebel and annoying kid , that's what matters "
" yeah and providing and teaching our child that violence isn't incorrect too "
" skadi don't be dramatic just leave it there , go do something productive and leave me alone with my child I have to have a talk with her.
" but Loki-"
" leave "
She sighed and left the room slamming the door behind

" look Balder's sleeping " Eisa said smiling looking tag her little brother's crib
balder was the result of a forced nuptials night , he wouldn't have sexual relationships with skadi for anything in this world , but again when Odin blackmail his own son , saying that if he doesn't get at least one heir with skadi he would kill Sigyn , so he had to do it .

But after all it was also his son so obviously he loves him equally
" yes he is so he have to be really quiet ok" Loki said
The child nodded
" ok so promise me that you will never get in fights , unless it's in self defense , even though I think that you did nothing wrong , but you know how you grandfather is right ?"
She nodded and smiled .... That smile ... that smile reminds him of something he loved dearly... Sigyn....
He was started at his child in disbelief
" daddy? .... Are you alright?"
" yes darling iam " he says smiling " listen I'll be right back ok ? Can you take care of your brother for some minuts please ?"
" yes of course "
Loki went to Eir

The baby began to cry and skadi came running
" it's ok my baby , it's ok shhhh "
" what are you doing here get out " she says rudely to Eisa
But the girl didn't move a meter
" EISA GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE MOVE GET OUT " she says now pushing the girl out of the room .
The girl looked down and went running to the garden close to a lake .

Fragmented soul -(Loki Laufeyson fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now