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" your father would kill me if I told you "
Now Loki started to connect the points ...
" I was pregnant when your father forced you to marry skadi-"
" SIGYN SHUT UP" Odin said
But she continued at this point she couldn't care less " I was pregnant, and he waited for me to have the child Eir helped me have the baby , but than he called her to pretend to have the baby , while I have to heal the postpartum alone ...."
" that's why she reminded me so much of you .... The way she smiled .... "
Sigyn smiled at him
" so you're telling me I could actually enjoying my daughter's baby days with her real mother , the one I truly love , but YOU TOOK IT AWAY FROM ME ?!" Loki says to Odin
Which he remained silent
" and you ! You accepted it you little bitch don't you have feelings, empathy for others ?!" Loki says to skadi

Thor was with eisa but he heard all of this noise and went to check it out,  forgetting that little Eisa was there too
" I did not know you're father wanted me to have sigyns baby I tried to get rid of her but unsuccessfully there was always Sigyn saving Eisa "
" obviously she's eisa's mother , mothers have always a mom feeling " Hodr says
Eisa was confused she started to tear up " sigyn is my mommy ?!" She said with her chin quivering
But the room heard
" eisa ..." Loki says almost in panic
The girl ran to her father
" you're my mommy ?  My real one ?" Sigyn asks Sigyn
" hum hum yes iam " the child smiled from ear to ear hugging her now true mother " I always wanted to have a mom like you now I do , and it's my true mom " the child says
Which made  Loki , and Sigyn and Hodr even Hodr to laugh .

" so new information eisa's mom is Sigyn , Hodr is out brother "
" he's what ?!" Thor says
" yeah Odins son " Loki says
Thor was so confused
"I want the divorce and you better give it to me " Loki says to Odin , which Odin accepted he's with his hands tied , he can't lie anymore every one knows the truth.
Loki kissed sigyns forehead and hugged her while eisa's on her lap .

"Oh and balder is staying with me " Loki said
" no not my baby " she says begging
" it hurts doesn't it ?" Sygin asked
While skadi looked down .
" take her to heimdall please she's going home" Loki orders the guards
" son you can't do that the baby's her son too "  Odin told him
" I can't ?  Watch me, I can't risk her kill my baby boy I'm sorry  "
The guards took skadi by her arms
Sigyn was getting sentimental
" WAIT " Sigyn says to the guards
" darling what are you doing
" please let at least say goodbye to the baby and take something to remind her of him . "
" thank you " skadi says 
Loki nodded she went with the guards when she finished she stopped by Sigyn " treat him well please "
" don't worry I'm not like you " than they took her away .

Fragmented soul -(Loki Laufeyson fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now