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" once upon a time , a girl a normal pagan girl met a prince the younger prince of the realm , and they fallen in love ... they actually made a beautiful baby , but .... The king a old fat angry bad man , forced the prince to leave this girl , but the girl had already a baby on her belly , he forced the prince to marry another woman to unite with another realm to stop wars between those two realms , so he sent the girl to a small house far far away , and when this girl had the baby he took it from the girl and gave to the prince and the woman he was forced to marry but the prince didn't know , they had a little family with now two kids-"
" we're they happy , living happy ever after " the girl said interested in the story , and excited " well I guess but the prince still loved this girl , and some day this girl appeared and he fall in love again all over again , but the mother of the little girl was cruel and bad , she didn't like her so this pagan girl came to help her and again she was being threatened buy this bad and cruel king , but this prince-" she was interrupted by Loki coming in their direction but when he was in a distance that he was able to hear she continued "was her Prince Charming-"
" Sigyn .... And my little girl " he says opening her arms and hugging the child

By the window was Odin and skadi watching them like a family
" see my king ... I will never ever get that ... he loves Sigyn we have to accept that "
" never ! He will keep this marriage until he dies !"
" but look at them there will be a moment that he will discover the truth "
Odin remain silent thinking about something to separate those two .

" so Sigyn was telling you a story huh ? Who was that Prince Charming you both were talking about ? "
Sigyn looked at Loki as her answer
" I don't know but it could be you daddy ... I wish that the pagan girl was Sigyn and the prince you , I mean you're a prince too but ..." she said smiling and trying to finish
Loki looked at Sigyn " can I ?" He politely asked pointing to the bench
" hum- sure "
He sat next to Sigyn and with Eisa on his lap .
Sigyn was smiling at them she was seeing her family in front of her , but now she only misses the part of making them hers ....

Fragmented soul -(Loki Laufeyson fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now