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Sygin was in the guest room setting all up , when she heard a knock .
" come in it's open " she says organizing her clothes
" Sigyn " she heard a deep voice but velvety at the same time
She froze and turned around " Loki " she said surprised
" can I talk to you ?"
" I don't think it's a good idea , you know you're married and-"
" listen I'm not cheating on skadi if I talk to you only if I do this " she says then kissing her without her expecting, but she loved it , it made remind her all the good times , the times that same kisses were given , the spark on them
But Sigyn broke the kiss up " no no no Loki no we can't you're married , you have kids no please , if your father discover he will kill me with his bare hands , Loki ..."
" no he won't I won't let him " he says coming close
" Loki I'm serious he will- "
" oh cmon I don't care about that fool "
" Loki you have kids you're married "
" so you think I want to be married to that woman ? I despise her , I only want you "
Damn it I want him too but ... for the good of eisa and Loki , I have to break his heart , I don't wanna too but I have too this will hurt my hole body mind heart everything
" but I don't ... we're not teenagers anymore Loki " I said I almost broke down for seeing his face falling
" I don't anymore..... I-I'm so sorry " i said tearing up and leaving the room but he grabbed my arm
" I don't believe you , I will always, always fight for you , for our love Sigyn I won't give up on you , don't forget it" he says then freeing my arm.
I ran to the garden
" Sigyn what's up-" Eir asked while Sigyn passes by crying and running
" nothing I want to be alone " she says quickly while running

She stopped by a lake , where existed garden benches , she sat there nervously shaking, she was literally breaking down .
For what look like hours but it was just 20 minutes until she heard little steps .
She look to her left and there was little eisa .
" why are you crying ?" She says with her innocent voice " why are you sad "
" it's complicated sweetheart, you know sometimes people need to cry it's ok to cry " Sigyn explains
" yes my daddy said it to me "
Sigyn smiled
" don't cry ... I'll be here for you , if you don't have no one .... My daddy said that we should have someone to be there for "
" how are you so smart with only that age " Sigyn said stroking her cheek " I see that your daddy have taught you a lot of things that's good , very good "

" so you know some tales , some stories to tell ?" The girl asks
" hum I do indeed , do you want to hear ? "
" hum hum " she smiled
" ok so .... Once upon a time ...."

Fragmented soul -(Loki Laufeyson fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now