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One day Sigyn was walking through the garden catching some air , when she heard screaming
Looked like Eisa
Sygin looked up and sees eisa hanging on the balcony almost slipping , she was holding for dear life , sygin ran until she felt a heavy weight on top of her, then all of the sudden it went black

Eisa fall on top of Sygin , she break eisa's fall , with saved eisa's life .
The child called for her father , still laying on Sygin . The guards heard and went to contact Loki , leading him to the child
" EISA " he picked her up but put her down right away when he saw Sygin
" Sigyn my love wake up " he says shaking her but nothing she has a cut on her head bleeding .

" Sy , Sy cmon darling "
" is she dead pwease tell she's not !" The child said
" please eisa tell me what happened "
" she saved my life, I was in baldew's bedwoom , I just wanted to pway with my baby bwother, but mom came in the woom and twew the toy away to that twee and it was stuck I just wanted to gwab it so I twied to weach it , but I ended up howding the bawcony fow my deaw life, and mom was in the woom and she just stayed thewe looking at me waiting fow me to fall , she didn't call anyoneshe didn't twied to help me she just looked at me almost smiwking " the child said sadly
" but is she dead ?" She asked again
" no sweetheart she's just sleeping, but do daddy a favor , go to Eir and tell her what happened and tell her to prepare the room "
Lokis head was running , he could murder skadi right now .

He picked Sygin bridal style and rushed to Eir
But Odin saw them
" what do you think you're doing ! Let her go she's not you're wife "
" shut up you old fool , she's hurt , bleeding and unconscious! Because of skadi ! Sygin saved eisa's life AGAIN ! Now get out of my way "
Odin opened his eyes widely when he saw the state sygin was and obviously believing that skadi was the one behind this because it wasn't the first time so ....
He got away obviously talking to skadi while Loki literally ran to Eir
" please do something " Loki said in pure panic

" Loki sit down please calm down I can heal this , she's just unconscious because her head hit a rock but thankfully it hit in the 'right place ' or else she would be dead right now "

Loki sighed relieved, " she's alive she will be okay " Eir reassured him
He nodded and took her daughter to Thor
" Brother! " he called " please do me a favor I'm asking "
Loki doesn't used to be this ... gentle with Thor so he knows something really bad happened
" what's wrong brother "
" please stay with eisa for a while , I'll explain you later "
" later but can't you resume "
" fine so Sygin saved eisa's life but eisa fall on sygin because she fall from the balcony because of skadi , it's all you need to know "
" my love stay with uncle Thor , ok you'll have some fun "
" okay " she said happily she love Thor

Loki rushed to Eir again watching her with her magic and potions on sygin with his anxiety going up

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