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Loki was taking a walk with Eir by the huge lake
" listen I don't know if I'm dreaming or not but Eisa smiled , and it reminded me so much of Sigyn ..." says Loki
Eir knew this dirty little secret but .... She can't say .
" I honestly don't know maybe you're missing her more and more causing you those lucid dreams , you know "
" i don't know-" he says until he hears sobbing in the lake
" who's crying ?" He says he started to walk fast and saw Eisa sat down by the lake on the grass
" darling ! What happened my love " he says picking her up immediately and hug her "
" mom doesn't love me "
Loki looked at Eir
" that's not true "
" yes it is she literally push me out of the room and screamed at me "
" look it's normal ok she has too much pressure on her " he says cringing inside he has to pretend for his own child
" I just wanted to see my brother and play with him "
"I understand" Loki says worried
He looked at Eir again" can you stay with her for a second please ? "
" of course "
Loki walked so damn fast he looked like he was floating.
"SKADI " he says slam their room door open
She looked at him scared
" what did you do to Eisa ?! Hum why did you scream at her ? Do you know that she thinks her mother doesn't love her ? Hum ?"
" Loki I was just in a worried to feed the baby... "
" I don't care you don't have to yell at her for no reason "
" you better change skadi or else you already know what's happening , and you better see heir , you may have some problem i don't know " Loki said slamming the door behind him
Skadi was looking at the floor almost in tears

Now Thor was playing with his niece it was so cute she loved Thor so much .
"Uncle Thor ?"
" yes "
" when is your Midgarddian girlfriend visit ?"
Thor laughed
" oh my sweet girl I don't know , but you liked Jane huh?"
" maybe she could my new mommy "
" what ?"
" what's wrong with yours ?"
The girl looked down until Loki appeared in the room fuming , but the moment he sees his child everything floats away .
" daddy ! "
" hello "

" it suits you " says Thor
" what ?"
" the fatherhood fits you , I never really saw you even protect and love someone like this since Sigyn .  " Thor said .

Loki was silent , looking down .
" yeah I guess " he says quickly picking the child up to the maids get her ready to go to sleep.
" let's go to sleep sweetheart " he says
It was already dark
Supposedly Loki should sleep in the same bed as skadi , but he refuses the only time he was in the same bed with her was when they made balder AND he was forced .

Balder was in a luxury nursery in the palace next to his parents room .
Loki sleeps in the guests room in the other side of the nursery .
Loki went to check on the baby and to kiss him good night but skadi was there .
" daddy ?" Eisa called in the door frame
" yes my love "
" can I sleep with you? "
" no-"
"Of course" he says death glaring skadi
" aren't you too big to sleep with your father ? Are you still a baby? " skadi said rolling her eyes
" no but baby balder don't sleep with you so, does he makes him a big boy ? " the girl annoyingly says , making Loki smile proudly
" she's definitely your child " skadi said to Loki annoyingly

Fragmented soul -(Loki Laufeyson fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now