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" atla prepare the guest room please " Loki ordered the maid

" so Sigyn how can you got involved with this young man " Odin asked

" it's complicated " she sighed but proceeded to tell the story
" hum .... I see" Odin says after she finished
Loki was furious , he was discreetly clenching his jaw in fury
" ok child you stay here , but I need to talk to you alone please " he says looking at the people of the room waiting for them to leave
" do we really have to go ?" Loki asked , he didn't want to leave Sigyn side for anything in this world , he was apart from her for a long time .
" yes , now I order you to leave, go see your children "
Loki nodded and obviously rolled his eyes , but he obeyed.

" so .... Sygin .... Listen here , you can stay here yes but with one condition "
" okay ..."
" you don't try anything with Loki , let him alone and don't you dare say anything about you and Eisa , do you understand?!"
" yes sir " she said looking down , she was sad but at the same time she could be near the girl who happens to be her daughter.
" you can go now , go get some rest " he says turning his back to her and climbing the steps that lead to the throne .

Sigyn was walking in the corridors when Eir called her " hey Si "
" oh hey " she says smiling
" finally you're back , I missed you " Eir said but was interrupted by a guard
" miss Eir Odin Solicited your presence on the throne room "
" Alright thank you "
" well si I guess i have to go, see you around "
" okay ..." she says , she went to her now room .
She rest her head on the pillow and she didn't understand how exhausted she was until falling right away asleep .

Eir dislocated herself to the throne room
" wanted to talk to me"
"Yes Eir yes "
She nods
" how dare you ?"
" I beg your pardon " she asked confused
" yes how dare you to put this woman again in ours homes and lives ?! " he was mad
" what are you talking about "
" I know you were the one leaving a note with Sigyn's address on eisa's pocket , you were the only one here that knew her address "
" I- alright, yes I did I simply couldn't let skadi hurt this child anymore I'm done with her Alright so fucking done , she's my best friend's daughter wanting it or not she is , so yes I think what I did was the correct thing to do , at least she's here and can keep an eye on eisa and I guess on skadi's attitude " Eir says ridiculously mad because yes she was done with skadi , but she couldn't do something about her but about eisa she could and she did
" Eir you'll be the one responsible for tearing this family apart "
" oh no My KiNg you don't need my help for that because your "family " is already broken in the moment that you chose a unwanted marriage with an unwanted woman " Eir says getting out , he doesn't expelled her from the palace only because she knows too much , and also she the goddess of healing so she was the most powerful healer in this realm .

Fragmented soul -(Loki Laufeyson fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now