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Sigyn was nervous when she stopped by the door of the palace .
two guards came running to see who wants to get in .
But one of them recognize Sigyn
" miss Sigyn ... I haven't seen you on a long time "
Sigyn smiled sweetly " well that is true but well I guess this little girl belongs here ? I found her with a suspicious man that came to door because he saw my address on a paper that eisa carried on he dress pocket, and if I didn't tell him that I knew her then he would use her as a gold mine "
" thank you to bring her here , and thank all gods that she fell into your hands and not that man "
She smiled and nodded
" well miss come with me please "
Sigyn followed the guard until she stopped in front of the throne room with eisa grabbing her arm the guard entered but Sigyn stayed behind
The guard got on his knees bowing to his king
" excuse me , but I have good news "
" did you found my daughter?" Loki asked with high hopes
When Sigyn heard Loki's voice she froze but her heart was racing
" well yes she was found but not by us , but by her " the guard said stretching his arm pointing to Sigyn who entered the room , everyone was there , Odin , Loki , skadi , Thor , some men of trust , and some guards .
Everyone was looking at Sigyn .... Specially Loki
" Sigyn ..." Loki said in disbelief
She liked down trying to swallow the lump on her throat .
" hum hello , my king " she says bowing
" it's ok you don't need to bow child , so you found my granddaughter " Odin says walking towards her
" thank you so much , how can I pay you ?"
" oh you don't need to it was a pleasure to help "
" si ... how are you? It was a long time no see"
She gave him a small  smile " I'm fine thank you how about you "
" I'm great now "
" daddyyyy" the child runs to his father , he picks her up and gave her a kiss on her cheek
Then all of  the sudden a lot of movement was heard , and voices shouting echoed in the place
Sigyn froze " no... no no no no " she said " Hodr "

She's breathing heavily
" who's Hodr ?" Thor asked
" yes Sigyn who's Hodr " 

It was visible the fear on her eyes .
" hey call Eir " Loki called the guard
They obeyed bringing Eir
" Eir-"
" Sigyn !" She says excited hugging her
" hello " Sigyn said smiling
" Eir!" Loki called
" I'm sorry I'm sorry Loki I just got excited "
" yes I know I can  see but please take eisa upstairs and stay in the nursery where balder is with Atla "
"Alright "
" and Eir" skadi calls " it's not Loki is prince Loki "
" it is whatever I want to ok MiSs SkAdI " Eir said done with skadi
" did you see Loki look how she talked with me "
" first skadi , she can call me Loki I gave permission no better I made her call me Loki , and second of all you don't talk to her like that or about me because if I wanted her to call me prince or whatever I would have told her to " he says rolling his eyes  and walking towards Sigyn .
" hey ... Si are you alright?" He asked rubbing her back in comfort 

" yea-yeah " she says unsure
" you don't look so "


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