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Eir heal the girl
" I I just wanted to calm my baby brother down , and she just pushed me to the ground" Eisa says tearing up
" my mom doesn't love me "
" hey hey hey no darling don't cry love " Loki says
" sweetheart your mom does love you it was an accident " Eir says
" no no it wasn't " Eisa says which infuriates Loki more .
" Eisa it was an accident ok things like those happen " says Eir

Odin called skadi to the throne room .
" wanted to see me ?"
" yes daughter yes , look you're going to apologize to your daughter , ok you're going to take her out to the festivities that are starting tomorrow, and you're going to do a daughter - mother day , do you understand me or else you already know what happens, Loki will want to leave you-"
" he already wants so nothing new "
" and you won't get anything not even the baby , he will take the baby from you do you understand "
" no not my son , he can't do that "
" oh but he will , I don't think you know Loki that well "
Skadi nods , she already has a plan in mind to get rid of this child , and have her little family back again without a child that isn't even hers
" I hope we are clear "
Skadi with tears willing to run down her face nodded
" yes sir "

They went to sleep again , and finally woke up again to start a brand new day .
" eisa get ready we're going out " skadi says
" where ?"
" to the festivities "
" really ? That is fun " she says smiling, getting ready with her maids.
" I hope you don't do anything stupid or I swear that I kill you with my bare hands" Loki said grabbing skadis upper arm
" I would never hurt my daughter " she says dry swallowing .
" yeah absolutely " Loki says with sarcasm releasing her arm .

" I'm ready " eisa says with a cute little dress
" you're beautiful darling but first breakfast" Loki says
" okay " she says excited pulling her father with her
" good morning " eisa says with her sunshine personality entering the room
" good morning sweetheart " Odin says
" good morning darling " Thor says " come sit her next to your uncle "
" okay " she says
" so what are you going to do today ?" Thor asked his niece
" going to the festivities with mommy "
" hum very nice "
Loki looked at Odin with a death glare
" i guess I want to go with you " Loki says
" no!" Odin and skadi said at the same time
" why not ?" Loki said suspicious
" because it's a mother daughter day let them be alone son " Odin says " and let skadi apologize to her daughter " he whispers
Loki rolled his eyes
" I already warned skadi so .... "
" of what brother ?"
" of nothing forget it " Loki says

Fragmented soul -(Loki Laufeyson fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now