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" WHERE IS THIS BITCH NAMED SKADI" Hodr said yelling through the castle
Odin heard
" what are you doing here young man ? Haven't I made it clear that I didn't want you here ?"
" I want a woman named skadi "
" wasn't Sigyn. ?" Odin asked confused
Loki was smirking mischievously
" skadi what?" Skadi appears
" are you skadi ?"
" yes any problem?" She said kinda arrogant
He tilted his head a little bit to the side smirking furiously
" how dare you ..." he said coming closer
" Loki ?" She calls for his help
Without monomer expecting except Loki , he grabs her by the neck
" how dare you hurt Sigyn ?"
" Loki ! Odin!!!"
She was almost turning blue
" hey hey son put her down "
But nothing
" I SAID PUT. HER. DOWN " Odin says throw Hodr across the room with his magic scepter
But it enfured him more ,
" I've been patience for too long with Sigyn being here for too long for months now , I've been controlling myself but I guess it's my last drop of patient "
He  says getting up while skadi was on the floor coughing.
He went staring to Odin , but Loki saw that it was starting to get out of hand , so with his magic also threw him across the room .
" Are you going to beat up your father ? " says Odin
Loki was frozen in place
And so was Hodr
" WHAT ?! " they said at the same time
" yes why don't you came here greet your father "
Hodr was silent too stunned to speak .
" why do you mean father ?" Skadi asked
" do you want me to drew you ?" He says
" no no no " she says disgusted
" so your mother didn't told you who your father was ?"
" no "
" well know you know "
" what it was an affair ? Which you dumped my mom ?"
" yes son "
" how could you , let her in the misery with a baby on her arms "
" because you weren't worth of the throne you were a bastard "
" so I can see a pattern here ...." Loki says stunned
" you did it with Sigyn abandoned her and left her in the misery ..." Loki said confused but realizing everything

But all of the sudden Loki looked at the door and there was Sigyn crying she heard everything, she had woken up some minutes ago
" Sy my sweet angel " Loki says but she was so weak that she fall , but Loki caught her but her waist "call down" he says  .
He hugged her , and she did the same to keep her balance
" Sigyn " Hodr said getting closer
" get away from me "
" why my love ? "
" I said away and don't call me that eww "
" Sigyn , child how great you are awake " Odin says but Sigyn was looking at him with a death stare
" Hodr is your son ?!" She asked
" oh you heard that "
" how could you ! Abandoned that woman with a child and in the misery , like you did to me , but me you took my baby away "
" WAIT WHAT ?!" Loki asked
" which baby sweetheart "
" eisa Loki , eisa it's our baby "
Loki opened his eyes wide he even had to sat down , on one of the throne rooms steps , and Sygin sat next to him .
He said getting away of her sad revolted angry furious confused all at once .
" your father ..."

Fragmented soul -(Loki Laufeyson fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now