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Skadi  took the girl to the festivities , while a buying her some traditional asgardian food that only exists on that time of the year .

While skadi put her plan into action she saw a crowd of people watching a group of women dancing the traditional dances and Eisa wanted to see , while skadi took opportunity, so she let go the child's hand when Eisa was to concentrated and stunned by this women dancing, skadi took slow steps until disappeared in the crowd leaving the child alone , she ran and hide far away from the festival.

Eisa noticed her mother wasn't there
" mom ? MOM? " says the child scared
* flashback *
They were ready to go to the festivities
" hey Eisa cmere to Eir " Eir called
" yes ?"
" want some candy ? "
The child smiled and nodded
" don't tell your father ok ?"
The child smiled and hugged Eir while they were hugging Eir put a piece of paper in Eisa's dress pocket , it was an address just in case she get lost , because Eir didn't trust skadi as well
" eisa let's go I don't have all day " skadi says impatiently
" go go go " Eir said smiling and sighed with relief , she did it !

A man found this girl " aren't you the prince Loki's daughter?"
" yes have you seen my mommy ? "
" I don't know child- wait what is that ?" The man said taking the paper out of the girl's pocket
" that's an address , come with me "
" I can't my daddy said I can't go with strangers "
" I'm not a stranger ok now we're friends "
" no we aren't " eisa replied
" child shut up and let's go "
" nooo"
The man took her to the address which in the paper said " in case of this child get lost please bring her to this address "
" this is in the mountains , so you know someone in the mountains ?"
"Nah uh " the child said scared of the man
They arrived to the address and knocked on this humble wooden house's door , when a beautiful young lady opened the door .
" yes ?" Then she looked at the child ...." Eisa ..." she whispered
The child afraid of the man ran and hide behind this woman's  legs
" Is this your child or any family member ? "
" huh ..."
" no ? Then give it back I have a lot of money to get out of that brat "
" don't you dare , yes she's my family member, now get out before you be a dead man get out !!" This woman says furiously
" thank you ma'am " eisa said politely
" you're welcome , so you wanna go back to your daddy and mommy ?" The woman asked
" hum hum " eisa nodded
"I'm sorry ma'am ,  what's your name ? "
" my name is Sigyn "

Fragmented soul -(Loki Laufeyson fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now