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Skadi was putting the baby to sleep, when Odin and Loki burst into the room.
" you scared me , be quiet the baby's sleeping finally " skadi said giving a little jump scare
" then let's go outside we have to have a conversation " Odin says threateningly
Skadi scared started to saying excuses " I can't leave my son here alone !"
" we can leave with the maids "
" no he needs protection and he can choke I need to stay with him " she says as fast as she can
" yes indeed that's why he also have a father , Loki stays with him , while you and me will have a conversation, in front of me now " Odin said  skadi swallow the lump on her throat and obeyed.

" hey darling are you hungry ? Before I take you to your house " Sigyn asked the little girl
" no thank you I'm fine " the girl smiled
Sigyn stared at the girl for a few seconds, admiring her.
" so let's bring you home , cmon" she says grabbing gently this child hand
They walked , and talked about everything all the way to the palace.

" what did I tell you skadi ? You left the girl all alone ! You abandoned my granddaughter! "
" I-"
" stop ! I know you did ! You hate that child "
" I- I simply can't be a mother of someone that is not mine "
" skadi please you should really process what you're saying, look at me I also was a father of someone that is not mine , I'm an asgardian, Loki is a frost giant , and yet he still my son like Thor ! , stop being so stupid and using poor excuses to the fact that you hate a innocent little girl all because you're jealous of her because she gets all Loki's attention and not you , but let me tell you skadi .... You should lower your expectations, because Loki will never love you like he loved that other girl " Odin said furious

Skadi looked down with a loss of words .
" you better. Find. The girl. Or else. You know what happen "
Skadi nodded and continued on looking down
" we better be clear "
" ARE. WE. CLEAR ?" Odin said making skadi flinch at the voice tone
"Ye- yes sir " she says nervous

"We're  almost there sweetheart " Sigyn says
She still can believe that she's with this child .
" miss Sigyn?-"
" just Sigyn sweetheart "
" sorry, hum  Sigyn? "
" yes ?"
" is that true that you really saw a white Pegasus flying on top of your house ? "
" yes these Pegasus belongs to the Valkyries "
" who are the Val-"
"You dad will explain and you when you grow up "

Fragmented soul -(Loki Laufeyson fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now