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Sigyn was in panic , she was swallowing the dry in her throat .

" please sir , Allfather , I beg help me ... I know you said how could you possibly pay me ... well I'll accept some help , but please please please save me from him it's all I ask " she said panicking
" hey it's fine , hey Sigyn " Loki tried to calm her down
" alright child , I guess it's the minimum I can do for bringing my granddaughter safely to the palace "
" thank you " she sighed in relief bowing to him
" no no stop you don't need to bow , listen child go with Thor "
" yes sir "
" Thor take her to the training room , it's the safest place we have go "
" yes father"

Odin opened the doors of the throne room .
" what's happening here ? Why is this deafening shouting?"
" sir ..." Hodr said with a cocky tone
" give me Sigyn , I know she's in there "
" who ?"
" Sigyn my fiancé "
Odin looked at Loki while Loki did the same
" excuse me son but I don't know any Sigyn I apologize are you sure is Sigyn and not skadi ? Because we do have skadi in my palace and it's my son's wife indeed "
Hodr was so confused about their ignorance
" I saw her entering , we'll do you wanna a visit through the castle to show you that whatever woman is not here "
" no it's not needed, I'll found her myself, probably the guards didn't let her in right "
" yes sir we o my allow known people in or people that allfather orders to let in" a guard says , which Odin nodded, if there's a thing that they are professionals doing is lying and specially lying as a team

" well sir I'm gonna search for her , cmon boys" he says to his men
" yes go safely "

When they were sure they left Odin and Loki looked at each other
" she's marring that man ?" Loki asked concerned
" don't you dare son-"
" dare what ?"
" you're married you have a wife and you have kids so .... Don't try to live your teen days when it's already over " Odin says letting Loki behind

" lady Sigyn ?"
" yes Thor ?"
" can we ask you who's Hodr and what is he doing here ? "
" hum ..."
" only if you want obviously "
" it's ok .... So hum you know my story and your brother's right ?"
" yes I do "
" well after being expelled from here because of the marriage with skadi , I found this man , because I was heartbroken I still am to be honest but to try to fix it since you're brother had someone , and not me , we started to getting closer he started as a fried and he was wonderful as a friend but he got pushy so much and also really insistent when he saw that we both could work , so after a while we started to date and it was the worst decision of my life , because he was violent he had beaten me day and night , he's possessive as you could see , so one day I ran and hide from him , and he always walks with his two men so I was not hiding from one I was hiding from three .
And now that he founded me at least he knows I'm around this area it's complicated. "

" woah im sorry about it "
" here "
" oh yeah there you are, is everything ok , Sigyn , you're ok ?" Loki asked looking at her eyes
" hum hum " she said shyly

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