✧chapter two✧

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"I'm going to miss you two so much," Alanis's mother says as she kisses her two children, embarrassing them.

"Muuuum come on, not in front of everyone," Alanis's brother whines.

"Oh now you shush. I better not be getting any letters home about your behaviours," Ms kilridge says sternly.

Alanis rolls her eyes, she does this every year. "Mum when have you ever gotten a letter home because of our behaviour," Ms kilridge smiles at her daughter. "I can assure you that this year will be nothing but a breeze." Mr kilridge steps in before his wife starts crying to say goodbye to his kids. With that done Alanis quickly rushes away to find her friends on the train, with her brother right behind her.

They board the train together and start to look for their friends in the compartments. "See you at dinner, Lani," she hears her brother say behind her as he slips into one of the compartments. Alanis carry's on and eventually finds her two best friends. Alanis quickly opens the sliding compartment door, scaring the two people sitting inside.

"Jeese Lani, could you be anymore louder," Emeric Ellesmere has been Alanis's best friend since first year and even though they are very different people they still seem to be the greatest of friends.

"Honestly, I think I almost peed myself," Rohit Adair, the other best friend who just happened to convert his life into theirs in their third year, the three are inseparable.

Alanis laughs seeing her friends shocked faces as she moves to place her trunk in the overhead compartment. She sits down next to Emeric and joins into the conversation. "Well hello to you too, what were you guys discussing before I came in, you guys seemed pretty close," Alanis winks at Rohit and nudges Emeric. Alanis thought of herself doing a favour for Rohit, he's had a crush on Emeric since he first became friends with them. And ever since then Alanis has been trying to get them two togther. It was easy with Rohit being as he's so confident, but with Emeric it's a whole other story, she's way too clueless and doesn't seem to see Rohit right infront of her.

"Silly Lani, we were just talking about quidditch this year," Alanis see Rohit frown out the corner of her eye, "I'm going for chaser of course and freaking Adair here wants to try out for chaser as well. And I've been telling him that with his fit he should be either keeper or beater. Alanis he won't listen to me," Emeric rambles as Alanis raises her eyebrows, they talk about quidditch all the time and Alanis couldn't give two bronze knuts about it.

"Well I'm sure if Rohit wants to try for chaser he'd be allowed right," Alanis smiles at Rohit feeling his glance.

"Ughhh, Alanis you don't get quidditch like me and Rohit, it's infuriating talking about it with you," Emeric places her arm over her eyes dramatically.

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now