✧chapter seven✧

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"Alanis!" The said girl jolts away, feeling a pillow slap across her face, she jolts forward in her bed.

"Emeric, what's your problem. I was having such a nice dream," Emeric crossses her arms in a angry mother way, giving her a 'really' look, "you were dead in my dream btw," Alanis mumbles.

"Kilridge I literally set an alarm for 8, it is now 9 because I thought you'd be able to get your lazy ass up. Do you remember why we are getting up this early on a Saturday?," Alanis stares at her friend confusedly, then realisation hits her.

"Omg I'm such a terrible friend," she slaps her forehead as Emeric chuckles, "it's gryffindor vs Slytherin today," she jumps out of bed, hurriedly getting her clothes ready then dashing into the bathroom.


"What took you girls so long," Rohit whines, stuffing his face with toast. The two girls sit down with their friend in his quidditch robes at the gryffindor table.

"Jeese Adair, you look really nervous," Alanis teases, knowing he'll get offended.

"Me?! No, never. It's just a quidditch match, it's doenst mean too much, it means absolutely nothing," Rohit rambles on, sounding unconfident in what he's saying. 

"Yeah right, you look like your going to poop your pants."

"Oh come on Alanis, give him a break," Emeric says rubbing Rohits arms as if to console him. "Rohit where gonna be in the crowd the whole time cheering you on."

Rohit lifts his eyebrows looking at Alanis with food still stuffed in his mouth.

"I deeply appreciate that guys. You know Emi, my shoulders are really tense being very nervouse about this match, do you mind giving me a massage?" Rohit suggests, sidelong alanis.

"Oh you little shit," Emeric slaps the boys head, "get one of your teammates to do that," Rohit pouts as she moves away to sit down and start eating. Alanis just holds in her laughter and starts to eat as well.


"Another goal for Slytherin!" Emeric and Alanis both groan hearing the commentator, "they lead gryffindor 90 to 30!"

"Is it just me or is gryffindor doing shit," Alanis says to Emeric as she is half out of her seat, swearing loudly.

"It's freaking Slytherin, THERE THE ONES THAT ARE CHEATING!" She yells loudly as she boos, getting in the flow of the game.

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now