✧chapter five✧

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"Lani what is up with you, you've been like a zombie this past week," Rohit says to Alanis during lunch as they lay outside enjoying the sun. It's been a week since her fight with Delaney, she hasn't seen the girl or heard of her, but alanis knows she'll soon come and get her revenge.

"I think I just need to get to bed earlier," she says laying down and soaking in the sun.

"Where is Emi, she said she'd meet us here after her class," Alanis smirks from Rohits concern.

"Oh, are you worried about her," her smirk widens as Rohit scoffs. "Rohit I'm telling you, you gotta be straight with her and tell her how you feel."

Alanis feels Rohit flop down next to her on the grass. "I know. But what if she doesn't like me back and I completely ruin our friendship. Imagine if she says no and just can't look at me the same knowing that I like her, I don't think I could take that risk."

Alanis opens her eyes to look at Rohits sad face, "you'll never know until you try Ro. I'll have your back all the way," Rohit sad expression doesn't change, "alright, how about I casually ask Emi if she likes anyone, and then bring you into the conversation?" Rohit snaps his head to Alanis.

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course I would," she smiles, glad that she made her friend happy.

They both hear footsteps and see Emeric walking towards them, Rohit immediately gets up and walks over to her, taking her bag. He is completely head over heels, she thinks.

They come back and sit down, Emeric not in a good mood.

"You guys wouldn't believe this, the new DADA teacher is a freaking nut job, doesn't know what he is doing and he's supposed to be a revenclaw, what a disgrace," she says angrily.

"Omg," Alanis groans, putting her hand over her face, "don't get me started on him. Lockhart treats us like first years, and he's always picking on Rohit," Alanis and Rohit have the same DADA class and Professor Lockhart seems to take a liking to Rohit and his good looks, always comparing the two and talking about how he could become his 'protégé'.

"I don't know, he makes me feel special, and he's not all that bad of a teacher," Rohit replies back.

Alanis turns to Rohit with a 'are you kidding me' look on her face, "that's only because he gives you good grades."

"Nah I earned that grade on our unforgivables essay," Rohit crosses him arms, as Emeric looks on with amusement.

"Lani didn't you write half his essay?"

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now