✧chapter eleven✧

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Alanis was in the midst of a raging storm, but this wasn't any normal storm, it was a storm inside a chamber. A very vast room that led into different areas by tunnels. The storm concealed what lied beyond those tunnels and Alanis was thankful.

Alanis, like most dreams, felt she couldn't move as the storm grew worse, rustling her school robe and making her hair go frantic. Lightning crackled and echoed in the chamber and Alanis felt herself turn around. She stood looking towards the end of the chamber where an enormous statue, so big that the top half was obscured by the storm and complete darkness. She saw a shadow move near the stones giant feet and fear ripped through her, even though she had no idea what that shadow could be.

"I'll see you soon," she heard echo through the chamber, a lot louder than the storm itself. But that wasn't what scared her the most, she heard something heavy and big sliding towards her from behind, feeling a piercing stare at the back of her head. It was getting closer, and closer...

Alanis awoke in a sweat, breathing heavily and frantically looking around, realising that she wasn't in her dorm.

"Oh my goodness, are you alright dear? Was it a bad dream?" Alanis looked at the school nurse, now fully realising that she was in the hospital wing. Alanis focused on trying to get her breathing under control. "Your morning and afternoon classes have been cancelled today, but you'll still be going to your last class. If your not feeling up to it you don't need to go," the old lady said sweetly taking out numerous vials from her pockets.

"Uhh," Alanis's voice was more croaky than usual.

"It's alright no need to talk right now. I've checked your vitals and seen that your under way too much stress, especially from last night," she smiles turning to Alanis, as the girl smiles back.

"Thank you," she rasps out.

The nurse turns back to the bedside table, pouring drops of vials into a drink, "Professor Dumbledor will be joining you later for a chat, he wants to know what you saw last night."

"Last night?" Alanis whispers thinking back, then is hit with her previous memories of finding Delaney and seeing Tom.

"Take this, it'll help," Alanis grabs the drink, but doenst go to drink it.

"Delaney, I-I found her, is she..." the nurse doesn't look at alanis and busies herself with screwing the vials and placing them into her pockets.

"... yes, she was petrified," she says after a time. "Drink up, it'll help immensely. I'll be bringing a tray of food for breakfast shortly," the nurse smiles sadly at her and moves the curtain aside, leaving her to her thoughts.

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now