✧chapter one✧

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✧————————————————✧✧Blonde Haired Encounter✧

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Blonde Haired Encounter

"Alanis Kilridge! For the last time if you don't come downstairs right now we are leaving without you," Alanis rolls her eyes as she finishes putting on some mascara. Today her brother, father and herself were to go to diagon alley to get school supplies and meet up with the weasleys.

"Alright I'm done!" She yells back as her brother and father get ready with the flu powder. Alanis comes running down the big, dark, oak wood stairs to the sitting room with their grand fireplace. The Kilridges were rich you could say, but all pure blood wizarding families had their own extent of wealth and they just so happened to be very fortunate.

"What took you so long, are you trying to impress a boy or something?" Alanis's little brother Crassus commented as he grabbed a handful of flu powder. Alanis glares at her brother, pulls her satchel across her shoulder and messes up his hair.

"Come on kids were already running late, I don't want to keep Arthur waiting," Mr kilridge said as he stepped into the fire and muttered 'diagon alley' then bursts into green flames.

"Your turn Crass," Alanis says, giving her younger brother a nudge. Crassus hesitantly steps forward into the fire place then clearly shouts 'diagon alley'. He bursts into flames then Alanis steps up, grabbing a handful of powder, shouting diagon alley then disappearing.

Alanis loves using the flu powder networks, it's like seeing glimpses into peoples lives as she travels quickly through fireplaces and only catches the smallest of moments into peoples lives. And of course that ends shortly as she lands on solid ground. Alanis steps out and brushes soot off her clothes and walks towards her father and brother.

"Alanis, we'll meet you at flourish and blotts in about half an hour or so. Make sure you don't forget anything that you may need," her father says, as Alanis always seems to forget one book before heading to school.

"Dad you don't have to worry," Alanis rummages through her bag, "I brought a list," she grins at her father as he ruffles her hair. They say their goodbyes and go in opposite directions.

After about 25 minutes of going into store after store collecting books and other necessities Alanis starts to head towards the store to meet her father and the Weasleys. The Kilridge's and the Weasleys had been a close family for a long time, as her father and Arthur had gone to school together.

"Oh look if it isn't Alan-ass, and shopping by herself it seems. Have your friends finally ditched you?" Alanis turns to the voice, Delaney Welwater and her goons, a stubborn and arrogant griffindor that only hates Alanis because the one boy she likes seems to like Alanis instead.

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now