✧chapter sixteen✧

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✧————————————————✧✧by all means necessary✧

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✧by all means necessary✧

"Where do you think you kiddies are going?"

The group whip towards the voice, Alanis in the front with Lucinius staring at a man who's looks as if he's never had a shower in his life.

"A werewolf," Hermione squeaks and Alanis raises her wand.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you little miss," he says to Alanis, his breath wafting towards her nose, a scent of raw meat and blood. "Not with my friends around here," the smell gets worse as the group is now surrounded, death eaters and werewolves coming from the darkness. "Where gonna have a feast tonight boys," he rubs his hands, liking his lips as he looks at Alanis's flesh.

Alanis feels hope leave her, now feeling foolish for even thinking they had a shot at getting away.

"No." A death eater says from her right, and his wand lights up, illuminating his mask. "It's the potter boy," the death eater reaches out his hand, taking Alanis's face and turning it towards him- the light blinding her.

"Get your filthy hands off her," Lucinius seethes but the death eater ignores him.

"And this is the girl. We must send them both to our lord Voldemort," he says, and Alanis can hear the smirk in his voice.

"What about the others," another werewolf towards the back says, "these two girls have such lovely skin," Alanis feels hopeless as she stares ahead at the death eaters in front of her.

"Have your way with them, but remember lord Voldemort told us the children must live," the death eater roughly grabs her arm, yanking her away from the group.

"No!" She yells panicking, and Lucinius lunges forward, tackling the death eater. This causes the others to retaliate and the two groups start a brawl. But that quickly ends as a death eater has Crassus in a choke hold.

"Alanis!" He yells out and everyone stops.

"I don't think Voldemort will care too much if one student is killed, we'll say it was an accident," he says, his wand digging painfully into the boys neck.

"No wait!" Alanis edges forward a bit, her brain whirling fast to think up an excuse. "You need me don't you? What if I was to run away in the forest and apparate past the border, you'd never find me and Voldemort would be furious," she sees the death eaters get weary around her, good they are listening. "But if you leave them all to get away then I will willingly go with you," she swallows her fear, I can come up with another escape plan once I get there.

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now