✧chapter fourteen✧

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✧————————————————✧✧resurrection✧ Pt

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Pt. 1

Alanis's mind wakes up before she opens her eyes, feeling deathly cold and wet. Her eyes crack open, first seeing the reflection of water she lays in that mirrors the cavernous room she's in. She moves her body, wanting to get up, but finds her muscles stiff, as if she'd been laying in an odd position for hours. Alanis manages to lift her head, wondering how she had possibly gotten to a place like this. Then the memories come back, Ginny acting strange then passing out, Lucinius showing up and then... Tom. Alanis gasps looking around wildly and thankfully seeing no dark haired boy. She reaches for her wand and finds it taken, just my luck. She then notices a red haired girl on the floor.

"Ginny!" She gasps, crawling to the girl and trying to ignore the aching pains in her limbs. Her hands reach out and roll Ginny onto her back, her pale and cold complexion having gotten worse. Alanis lays her head on Ginny's chest, hearing for a heartbeat or a breath. Sighing in relief as she hears a faint beat and shallow breaths. Alanis quickly takes her school cloak off, draping it around the girl.

Dread sweeps in through Alanis. If I don't find a way out soon or if someone doesn't come to rescue us then Ginny will.... Alanis holds back a sob as tears rush from her eyes knowing how devastated the Weasley family would be if the worse were to happen.  

Footsteps is heard nearby and Alanis snaps her head to the sound, seeing Tom walking out of the darkness. Alanis notices his smug look of triumph, as if he knows he's already won the war.

Alanis speaks up first, choking back tears, "please, I don't understand why you need her here, she's dying... I-I'll be y-yours if you just let me get her out of here."

Toms face stays the same, "I cant finish this without her, she needs to die," Alanis looks down at her shaking hands, she feels she's failed. "As for your offer, there's no need, you are already mine."

Alanis starts to tremble, rage and sadness washing over her, "I'll never except you if she dies," she glares up at him, showing her hatred.

"I love that look of malice in your eyes and don't worry we have forever to change that."

A question pops up in Alanis's head, one she's been thinking about a lot lately, "why me?... You could have chosen anyone else in the world but you chose me," the Ravenclaw still stares at Ginny, not wanting to see the look in his eyes.

"Because your different. I know how interested you are in dark magic, I've seen it in your head... If you were to give into me and join our hands we'd rule the wizarding world, muggles and wizards alike would be at our feet. You have so much potential in you that you have yet to discover," Alanis sits surprised, not having expected that. Take over the world? Join our hands?

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now