✧chapter three✧

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✧————————————————✧✧talking diary✧

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talking diary

Alanis is always the first girl to wake up in her dorm, she has always liked getting up early then to sleeping in.

"Emeriiiiic," Alanis says over Emeric's snoring form. "Rickyyyy," Alanis huffs as she doesn't respond to the nickname she hates. "Wake up!" She slams her pillow on Emeric who jolts awake.

"Im up, I'm up," she frantically looks around until she sees Alanis laughing next to her. "You frick Kilridge, you could have somehow killed me."

"Oh shush, come on and get ready or we might miss breakfast," Alanis watches as Emeric quickly gets up, frantically looking for her clothes in her trunk.

Emeric and Alanis head downstairs and sit at their houses table, eating until their full. "Do you two ever just eat normally," they hear a voice behind them and see a boy in red school robes.

"Oh shut it Adair, you eat worse than us," Emeric says scooching over to give him room to sit.

"Fair enough," he says, grabbing more food for a second breakfast.

"Oh shit, here comes flitwick with our timetables," Emeric whispers to Alanis and she turns to her right to see him giving out papers.

"Oh no, I swear if I have Levine in my potions class I'm sleeping in the forbidden forest," Alanis comments as the small teacher gets closer.

"Ah, Mr Adair, I didn't know you converted to ravenclaw," a squeaky voice says behind the three.

"Ah yeah sorry sir, I'll be leaving," Rohit scratches the back of his neck and swiftly gets up heading to his house, but not before grabbing a couple pieces of toast.

"Here you are Ms Kilridge and Ms Ellesmere," he says handing them their timetables. Alanis checks her first class and quickly frowns.

"Double potions on a Monday morning, that's it I'm dropping out," Emeric snickers.

The two girls quickly compare timetables seeing as they have transfiguration, charms and herbology together.

"Aw dammit, that means I won't be able to copy off you in potions, runes and DADA," Emeric says pouting.

As Alanis heads to her first class, being potions, she gets the feeling of being watched. As she turns to look she sees no one, 'weird' she thinks. She heads to the classroom, waiting with the rest of her classmates for Professor Snape. Alanis gets a feeling of dread as she thinks about how Snape will treat her in class. He normally doesn't look or speak to her but somehow always finds a way to make her feel insufferable.

"Students, I want no talking as you head inside and sit down," Snape abruptly arrives from nowhere, opening his classroom door and walking inside. Alanis follows and like always gets a seat at the back.

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now