✧chapter thirteen✧

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✧————————————————✧✧lavatory business✧

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✧lavatory business✧

"-what else do you think goes into a complex swelling potion?" Alanis questions, quizzing Lucinius for their upcoming potions test.

"Hmmm," his deep voice rumbles as he drums he's fingers on the wooden table. "Bat wing?"

"Oooh," Alanis grimaces, "so close, it's actually bat spleen."

"I was going to say that," he says, earning a look from the Ravenclaw.

"Oh yeah? Then why did you say bat wing instead."

Alanis notices Lucinius move closer, his playfulness disappearing. "Because you were distracting me."

Alanis is surprised by his statement and is star struck by his eyes that are glued to her. "How so?" She hears herself say, wondering why she was whispering.

She follows the Slytherins line of sight to her lips then back to her eyes, her heart quickening.

But the moment is ruined by loud footsteps and sobbing coming their direction. Alanis looks over Lucinius's shoulder to see a flash of red running their way. Noticing Ginny and her distressed state Alanis instantly gets up, rushing to the first year.

Alanis puts her arms on the little girls shaking shoulders, "Ginny, Ginny. What's the matter? Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

The little girl tries to speak between sobs, "some-something bad has happened Lani. I-I need your help, please." By then Lucinius had gotten up, standing beside Alanis's crouched figure assessing the girl.

"Yes of course ginny, what do you need? Do you want me to find Ron? Or Fred and George?" Alanis suggests.

"NO!" The little girl says alarmed, "I-I just need you to follow me and help me with something, it's urgent," Alanis feels her arm being tugged, and she gets up but is stopped.

"Hold on. What is so important that you need her help and can't explain rhe reason?" Lucinius says, a hand still on Alanis's shoulder.

"Lucin," she whispers urgently.

"Please Alanis please, it will be quick," Alanis is tugged again by Ginny, more tears forming in her eyes.

"I'll be quick, I promise," she tells Lucinius and is dragged out the library by the little girl.


By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now