✧chapter nine✧

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TW: there is sensitive content towards the end of this chapter.

TW: there is sensitive content towards the end of this chapter

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✧into my mind✧

"I still can't believe he did that," Emeric says early in the morning, as they get ready for the day. "What a stupid prick, actually I'm not surprised at all, he's a freaking Slytherin for fucks sake." Alanis watches Emeric mouth off in amusement, the girl had been bursting out in anger during the week.

"Emeric, please. I don't need anymore reminders about it. It's bad enough that Welwater had told the whole school." Emeric looks sadly at alanis. It has been a week of avoiding Lucinius, the boy had tried taking to Alanis every chance he got, but with her two friends around her never got the chance. Alanis was sad, but she had come to realise that maybe she didn't need someone right now, and focusing on school was a higher priority.

"Let's change the subject. Have you and Rohit gotten to second base yet?" Alanis says casualty, trying to divert her friends attention.

Emerics face goes red as she squeals, "KILRIDGE. No we have not... yet," the two girls giggle. It didn't take long for Rohit and Emeric to become a couple, that day they had kissed and admitted their feelings for one another, according to Emeric. "Are you wearing that for today? Your going to be really cold you know?"

Alanis glances down at her long sleeve shirt and favourite pair of comfy pants. "Yeah about that, I'm not coming today Emi."

"What do you mean, I thought you were excited to come?" Alanis was excited, but having spent the last week with two people who now talk more and very much like to make out, she thought she'd miss out on today.

"You two will be fine without me, and besides I got a lot of home work to get done," she knew she'd feel like a third wheel if she went with them.

Emeric looks at her friend sadly, "ok, I'll bring back your favourite sweets ok?" Alanis nods, standing up as following her friend out the door.


"Have you guys been hearing about that rumour going around," Rohit says, turning two the two girls as they wait in line to leave the school.

"Oh you and your rumours Rohit," Emeric says.

"Well there was a Junior duel club yesterday, and of course that git Lockhart was teaching it, but anyway, to sum it up, Potter was versing Malfoy and then Potter starts speaking to a snake," Alanis crosses her arms feeling the cold.

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now