✧chapter ten✧

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"Why don't we go somewhere more private to talk?" Alanis pulls back, a watery smile on her face.

"I'd like that," the two then head off, both mentally deciding to go to the black lake. They pass the halls in silence, enjoying each others company, although mainly Alanis as she relishes the feeling of being safe near Lucinius.

The pair walk outside, the late afternoon sun almost touching the forbidden forests tree line. "Oh no," she hears Lucinius say beside her and she looks in his direction.

She sees lots of kids coming back from their day out in the nearby wizarding town and it just so happens that a group of Gryffindor girls are walking right their way. Delaney has a smirk on her face, ready to cause some trouble for fun.

"What's this Ravenclaw bitch doing with you?" Delaney snaps, her anger replacing smugness as she realises that the two aren't arguing.

"Don't call her that, and you better not get any closer Welwater or I'll jinx you," Alanis watches Lucinius take out his wand from his cloak.

Delaneys face pulls into a sad expression, "oh but why Lucin, I thought our relationship was going strong?"

"Shut up! You tricked me and forced yourself on me, you deserve to be in Azkaban you psycho," Lucinius yells, getting angry. Alanis stands next to him, seeing more and more students come around to witness what's happening. The said girl can't seem to think clearly, a boiling hatred is stirring inside of her for an unknown reason and Alanis is scared of what will happen next.

"What ever do you mean Lucin, I would never force myself on you. It was you who kissed me first," Alanis catches Delaneys smirk directed towards her. Before she knows it Alanis has pulled out her wand and directed it at her, a curse on the tip of her tongue.

A malicious power like no other surges through Alanis, making her see tunnel vision for only her enemy.

"Bombardo!" She yells, hearing that her voice isn't her own. A big bang sounds from her wand and Delaney goes flying through the air, rolling over in a heap.

"Alanis!" She whips her head to the voice, to see Emeric and Rohit in the crowd that has now formed around them. Her friends faces are full of surprise, and what looks to be fear.

"Look out!" Someone yells.

"Locomotor Mortis!" An angry dishelved voice yells, Alanis turns to see a spells light come out of Delaneys wand, she quickly casts protego and is a knocked back a step.

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now