✧chapter eight✧

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✧————————————————✧✧the note✧

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the note

"Girl what took you so long? Did you bring your books?" Alanis dazedly sits down at the Ravenclaw table, putting her satchel to the side and grabbing whatever food is in front of her.

"I didn't really sleep well last night," she says unblinking.

Emeric turns fully to her friend, "I know," she says in a soft voice, while Alanis turns to her, wide eyed. "The girls told me what happened last night, I can't believe I slept through your screaming... are you alright though? I think it would be best if you got it off your chest. The girls told me you looked traumatised, but didn't want to say anything."

Alanis thinks this through, if I were to tell Emeric of my dream then that would mean exposing Tom... I'll just have to lie a little about it then.

"Yeah, it was just about a giant snake, nothing really," a shiver goes down Alanis's spine when thinking about it. Emeric raises an eyebrow, not fully convinced.

"Ok. This doesn't happen to be a metaphor for what happened last night right?" Alanis looks confused, what else happened last night?

Emerics mouths gapes open, "your kidding. You forgot about your kiss with Lucinius last night," she whisper yells as it only now dawns on Alanis.

"I had completely forgotten, that dream must have put it to the back of my mind," she mumbles the last bit.

"Ok but thinking dream-wise, does that snake happen to be him. Did I get the wrong impression last night about your kiss?"

"No, no, it wasn't anything like that, it was just something my mind made up," but Alanis felt that that wasn't completely true, thinking about how her mind could have made up a monster so horrible and scare her so endlessly.

"Oh alright," the two girls go back to silent eating. Alanis looks around, finally getting being aware of her surroundings. She notices everyone in an off mood, talking hush in small groups, especially the gryffindor table, who are always the loudest.

"Hey where's Rohit?" She asks, deciding not to worry about the tense atmosphere.

"He's probably still sleep-"

"Hello ladies!" They hear behind them making them both jump.

"Jeese Rohit, could you scream any louder?" Emeric says shoving the gryffindor.

"No, but I know I could make you scream louder," Emerics face pulls into one of disgust as she starts hitting Rohit, the boy just laughing at her reaction.

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now