✧chapter fifteen✧

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Pt. 2

They land on the girls bathroom floor. Its tiles still wet and becoming dirty from themselves. An odd silence washes over the 3 kids and DADA teacher, until it's broken by Alanis.

"We've got to find Dumbledore, or get to a teacher to tell them what's happened," Alanis says quietly, tugging on Ron's hand who's crouched on the floor. Fawkes screeches, as if saying to follow him- and they do, so tired and done with the trauma to not care where Fawkes is taking them.

"Harry, what happened to him?" She asks him, pointing to Lockhart who's walking beside her.

"He tried to erase our memories, but he used Ron's busted wand so it backfired," Alanis looks shocked at the teacher who seems to not have a care in the world.

The four set out through the halls in silence, Alanis feeling like she's in a dream- wondering where the bird will take them and what will happen next.

"Riddle would have died in there, right?" Harry breaks the silence, looking to Alanis for confirmation.

Alanis wants to make Harry feel better and tell him that they defeated him, but knows deep down that he somehow has escaped and will be back soon.

"I don't think so Harry," she says quietly. The four reach a giant gargoyle statue, Fawkes screeches and it starts turning around, revealing stairs.

"This must lead to Dumbledores Office," Alanis says to no one.

They climb on, walking up the stairs and arriving at a big wooden door, Alanis faintly hears voices from the other side. By now Alanis's arms feel numb, as if they will be stuck in this holding position forever. They hear the voices stop abruptly and the doors are flung open.

The group are met with a teary eyed red haired women, looking shocked to see the grimy kids.

Alanis feels her heart beating wildly as she watches Ms Weasley's eyes sweep to the girl in her arms. She lets out an inhuman noise and rushes forward, pulling the limp body out of Alanis's arms and falling to the ground.

Alanis feels the world slowing down and the beating of her heart in her ears as she watches Molly cry, her own tears falling fast down her face. She doesn't register everyone else in the room rush forward, grabbing the students and leading them inside to sit down, her arms now feeling lighter as she holds onto nothing.

Loud murmured voices all start to speak around her as gentle hands touch her face but still doesn't seem to calm her for a screaming has started in the back of her mind. Questions that are half heard float around her and they seem to all jumble into another language, but only one thing stays in her mind- I'm here for a reason, to say something really important.

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now