✧chapter twelve✧

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✧————————————————✧✧just before the storm✧

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✧just before the storm✧

The next Sunday Alanis, Emeric and Rohit were walking out in the sun, spending their free time to go watch the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. As they get closer the Gryffindor parts from the two girls, heading to the changing rooms, but not before giving Emeric a kiss, much to Alanis's displeasure. The two girls find the best seat in the stands, earlier then most students and chat until all the seats are filled to the brim.

Alanis and Emeric watch from far up as the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs get onto the field but are stopped by Professor Mcgonagal.

"I wonder what's happened," Alanis says, seeing as they are talking a lot longer than necessary.

"I don't know, hopefully it doesn't delay the game too long though," the girls watch as the Gryffindor seeker runs off the pitch, then followed by the rest of two teams. The girls look at each other and get up heading down the stairs to find their friend.

"Rohit! There you are, what on earth is happening, you guys aren't seriously rescheduling the match are you?" Emeric yells out once they finally find him.

Rohit looks guiltily at Alanis, then says to the both, "someone has been petrified. They found her last night," the girls gasp.

"Who," Alanis says.

"It's Granger, Harry ran off the field before because she's in the hospital wing right now," Emeric looks to Alanis as the three hurriedly walk off to the school, heading to the hospital wing.

The three open the door and head inside, seeing Ron and Harry already by a bed, talking in fast whispers.

"Harry, Ron," Alanis goes up to them, hugging them both. "Are you two alright?"

"Yeah where fine," Ron says in a saddened voice. Alanis looks around at all the closed curtains, concealing other victims, then looks to Hermione. Feeling guilt spread inside her stomach, I feel like this is somehow my fault, I could have done something to prevent this.


The three fifth years head to lunch, taking a seat at the Ravenclaw table and eating to their hearts content.

"So alanis, what's up with you and Slytherin boy," Rohit wiggles his eyebrows at the girl as she rolls her eyes.

"Oh stop it, there's nothing going on," she says popping food into her mouth.

"Hmmm I don't believe you, this past week you two have been talking a lot," the girl rolls her eyes.

"Yeah I think we should plan a double date with Alanis and Lucinius, don't you think Rohit?" Alanis looks at her friend betrayed.

"Yes your absolutely right, Emi."

"Oh my goblins!" Emeric says loudly, looking at the two very excitedly. "Alanisius."


"No, no I thought we decided on Lucianis," Rohit pouts.

"Nuh uh, that's what you wanted to call them and refused to allow my name," Alanis gapes at the two, ship names? These two are ridiculous.

Alanis looks to the teachers table, seeing Dumbledore get up from his chair and tapping his glass with a spoon, getting the schools attention.

"Pupils, it is excellent to see you all having fun at a time like this. I regret to inform you that new rules will be held- all students will return to their house common rooms by 7:00 every evening and all students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher..." Dumbledore waits for the murmuring to die down. "I should tell you this, unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught it is likely the school will be closed. Now back to eating," a silence lapses through the great hall as Dumbledore takes his place at the table.

Alanis looks down at her food, suddenly loosing her appetite. The girls stomach churns, getting a bad feeling that something will happen, flashes of Tom appear in her head. Alanis closes her eyes feeling the pain worsening.

"Speak of the devil," Alanis raises her head quickly, expecting someone else but to just see a black haired Slytherin walking their way. The girl let's out a sigh of relief.

"Hey Alanis," Lucinius says, nodding at the other two in turn.

"Hey, what's up," she greets back.

"I was just wondering if we're still doing our session tonight in the library," Alanis feels her heart quicken, completely forgetting about the session.

"Oh yeah of course, I'll meet you there after dinner," the two smile at each other, Lucinius's smile a bit bigger and brighter.

"What was that?" Emeric asks as he leaves.

"What was what?" Alanis says back, moving her food around on her plate.

"That whole encounter, there was just so much sexual tension in the air. I bet Snape felt it from where he's sitting," Alanis gapes at her friend.

"There was not," she says, "your talking nonsense, Ellesmere."


That night after dinner at exactly 5:48, Alanis walks into the library with her potion books, ready to do some tutoring. Not expecting that this night will change her life forever.


- my girlies and possibly guys, shits gonna go down

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- my girlies and possibly guys, shits gonna go down. 😜😝👐🏻 so exciting.

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