✧chapter four✧

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"Alanis... Alanis!" The said girl jumps from her seat being frightened as she was thinking about her encounter last night. Alanis turns to the girl who was whisper yelling her name. "Finally, I thought you had turned into a stone statue or something," Emeric grins as she turns back to Ms Mcgonagall talking about transfiguring animals.

Alanis blushes, she had been like this all morning, going off into her thoughts and not hearing her friends call her name. They knew when she'd get like this, mostly when she'd have a big test coming up or somethings troubling her home, so they didn't ask why. Which Alanis was thankful for, she needs more evidence before she tells them about the book.

"- now that you know the spell and precise hand movement I will pass around a rabbit for you all to try on," Alanis's ears perk up as Mcgonagall starts handing out rabbits to all the students.

"You weren't paying attention at all were you?" Emeric says as Alanis stares at her rabbit looking sheepish.

She turns to her friend, "yeah, not really. What was the spell we were supposed to be using?" Emeric huffs and shows Alanis the correct spell, nailing it on the first try. Alanis copies and perfects it as well. She transfigures her rabbit a few more times then goes back to thinking.

Alanis was planning on getting up early to check the book to see if she was dreaming or not, but somehow got up late as for the first time Emeric had to wake her up. So, rushing around and getting ready, Alanis had forgotten all about it, only now in class and breakfast having the leisure to dwell on that mysterious book.

"Hey Lani, the Gryffindors got there tryouts at lunch, are you coming with to watch Rohit?" Alanis snaps out of her mind.

"Yeah of course, but I gotta head to our room first to get a book, so I'll meet you there," Emeric looks at Alanis suspectedly but nods either way, thinking how her friend never normally forgets a school book, being as organised as she is.

As lunch comes around, the two friends depart from one another, one following the crowd to towards the front of the school and the other heading off in the direction of the ravenclaw common room.

"The poor have me; the rich need me. Eat me and you will die. What am I?" The bird on the ravenclaw common room door asks.

"Nothing," Alanis answers back a bit impatiently. Once the door opens she rushes inside, seeing only a couple of seventh years. She heads up the stairs to her dorm, rushing inside and opening up her bedside draw. Alanis spots the book. She didn't really know why she came up here, not really expecting herself to start writing in the book, more to see it and not thinks she's crazy that she may have dreamed of the book.

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now