✧chapter six✧

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✧————————————————✧✧words on the wall✧

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words on the wall

Alanis wakes up the next morning feeling very groggy. She turns her head to her friend seeing as she's not in bed, then looks around to see she's the only one in her dorm, she looks at the clock.


Alanis's eyes go wide as she scurries out of bed, having only half an hour before class starts, why the heck hadn't Emeric woken me up, she thinks, feeling sad that her friend just let her sleep in on a school day

Alanis goes to open her trunk but stops, having just seen the blood on her hands. Alanis's heart stops, the blood rushing to her ears with a roaring sound as she stares at the dried and flaky red on her hands. Tears stream down her eyes as she rushes to the bathroom, checking herself to see a bit of that red stuff on her pyjama shirt, pyjama shirt? I don't remeber changing myself last night.

Alanis scrubs her hands under the water, crying more as she smells a metallic scent coming from her hands.

In a daze Alanis cleans herself up and hurriedly gets dressed, practically running to the great hall, and arriving very late. As she walks in she feels all eyes on her, and she hurriedly walks to the ravenclaw table, taking a seat next to Emeric.

"Why didn't you wake me up this morning," Alanis says sadly, Emeric turns to her friend with an apologetic look on her face.

"I tried to, really, I was shouting in your face and me and the girls all thought you had died or something, then I thought that maybe you needed this sleep and left you be. I already had an excuse in mind for our class next if you didn't arrive."

"Oh," Alanis starts to feel a bit better, but then remembers the blood, "thanks."

Emeric watches her friend grab a piece of plain toast and start eating it, "you must of heard what happened last night, you look completely terrified. But theres nothing much to worry about, where safe," Emeric says.

Alanis turns to Emeric, just now realising that she's eating plain toast and puts it down. "What are you talking about," she says completely confused, having finally forgotten about what she woke up to.

"Girl, that message someone wrote on the wall outside the girls lavatory," Alanis still giving her a confused look, "in blood! Everyone in school was there after dinner. Well, I mean you weren't, but that was only because you were sleeping when we got back. Oh and not to mention that Harry Potter and his two friends were already there when people found it, and the best part is Filches cat, you should have seen the look on his face-" Alanis stares at her hands as Emeric rambles on, having a very bad feeling in her stomach. She had dreamt last night of walking around the school hallways, she definitly doesn't remeber dreaming about killing someone- so it could have been her that wrote on the wall. The possiblities are endless. "-and now, everyone in the school thinks that that muggle hating Slytherin did it, how bizarre right? Now I know your dads are friends but he is a complete jerk-" Alanis snaps back to reality.

By All Means Necessary: Yandere Tom Riddle- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now